Example sentences of "he had his " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The master 's , Colonel Swanton 's ( I know because he takes size 12 ) , Captain Heatherington-Scott 's ( he had his name in his ) and one pair more .
2 In fact he had his own office and a considerably larger area of carpet than anyone in Berebury suspected .
3 A thud of chopping — movement between the tree trunks — a labourer was coming towards him , one of the consignment of convicts he had ordered through a merchant in Bideford , he had his machete in his hand , he was not menacing , he held out his spare hand in a strange appeal , lifting his face , which was crossed by deep scars , wounds across his eyes had puckered them right in so that he moved like a blind sleeper , closer and closer — Sir John woke up sweating , surprised to find himself alone , and then remembered : he had been drinking with his cousin Alexander Menzies of Bolfracks , the last bottle must have sent him under .
4 Robert Menzies was nervous , his eyes flickered everywhere , but he had his message pat .
5 The weaker often needs to copy the stronger — for every one of her foreign bombing campaigns conducted with supreme arrogance and ruthless certainty he had his own dirty little war on distant barren islands , his own vicious murders on the Rock .
6 Up to his last days , he regularly walked his dogs , and was on the point of doing so on his usual route from his home — the oldest lived-in wooden house in London , built in 1483 — when he had his fatal fall .
7 He had his largest commercial success in 1982 with Night and Day , directly following his emigration to New York .
8 He had his fingers to his lips and was pointing to his right .
9 We shook hands warmly ; I noticed that he had his old clay pipe in his mouth but there was no tobacco in it as he sucked at it and repeatedly removed the pipe from his mouth .
10 Abroad , he had his counterpart in trained imperial administrators from India to Jamaica .
11 Ten pounds , I told him , noticing he had his hand in his pocket
12 He had his own and not off the peg , either .
13 ‘ My husband did overtime , ’ she said , ‘ and he had his side lines . ’
14 He had his father 's gift for sensing what sort of an audience he was addressing , and adapting his matter accordingly .
15 And then there were his eyes , burning with a fervour , an intensity , as if he had his prey in his sights .
16 Like Gill he had his philosophic doubts about Art-nonsense .
17 Peter Yeo , who had known this particular juggernaut since he had his first small factory and two stores and dirt under his fingernails from shifting packing-cases personally , was not fazed by the question .
18 Despite the elegance , it was a completely masculine presence , and he dominated the room as easily as he had his own office .
19 He had his merits , this strange protector of the Iron Lady ; he was courageous , decisive and a punishingly hard worker .
20 By the early 1950s he had his own firm , loading ships .
21 As he says in the Childhood , he had his full share of determined wilfulness to follow his bent .
22 From a fairly economical run-up he bowled with great pace , usually very sometimes , as at Old Trafford , he would overdo the bouncers , and he had his share of injured batsmen to his credit — or rather debit .
23 He did n't care ; he had his own life in his own place — or had .
24 Philip saw he had his eyes shut .
25 He had his back to me , and he had grown a beard , but his hair was still thick and blond .
26 The next instant he had his hand over the receiver and his hoarse whisper to Clarissa was ominous .
27 ‘ You mean like Heloise cared for Abelard when he had his balls cut off ?
28 It was some hours before he had his wish .
29 She could not possibly have known the misery such a revelation would cause him , because now he was forbidden to call her by any other name and he knew from painful experience that Tom Fish would not relent until he had his way .
30 Desert Orchid would not have given Norton 's Coin a second thought since their Kempton meeting , for he had his public to deal with .
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