Example sentences of "he is more " in BNC.

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1 And does it not have the ludicrous implication that a two-month-old only knows more than the two-week-old because he is more active ?
2 If he loses games to them he is more likely to accept their authority , resulting in a much better-behaved dog all-round .
3 Zapp is simply keeping up with the state of the art ; he is more convinced than ever that professionalism is its own justification and reward .
4 Upon his release after 26 years in jail he will discover that he is more free than either his wife , Albertina , or his journalist son , Zwelakhe , who are both ‘ restricted ’ by the authorities under the long-standing state of emergency .
5 He is more hesitant , however , about including an aptitude for leadership among the prerequisites for a successful captain of industry .
6 He is more likely to enjoy going to a restaurant that has good traditional furnishings that are well designed in their own terms .
7 On the other hand , if Lewis had been allowed to live in this way , though we might have had a few more mighty works of literary history from his pen , it is doubtful whether he would have written the works for which he is more popular .
8 He is more convinced by a scheme prepared by another collaborator , M.I. Iudin , for changing the intensity of low-level cyclones by employing a system of vertical air jets in the area where they form .
9 This is exactly the difference : a poor conductor often does not know what to do after the third rehearsal , he has nothing more to say , he is more easily satisfied , because he does not have the capacity for further discrimination , and because nothing in him imposes higher requirements .
10 She heard that : — — Papa is grown stout and has need of bigger trousers but Mama cries he is more handsome than ever and so do I. I have little time my Lily to write because I am put to Latin with the Abbe which is sore hard work and gives me the headache .
11 He is more comfortable at knocking others off perches than being there to be knocked off himself .
12 That colt will only run if something goes amiss with Magic Ring , and consequently , he is more likely to make his seasonal reappearance in the Sidney Thompson Memorial Stakes at Brighton on Monday .
13 He is more hip than any man I know , ’ says film executive Mark Canton , who helped to make Jack as rich as he is today , by persuading him to play The Joker in Batman .
14 No one can deny that he is more exciting , excitable and unconventional , with a mix of old and new Hollywood rolled up into a package that mixes James Dean with Humphrey Bogart , though Nicholson insists that he does not want to be compared with anyone .
15 The male is lucky in that he is more likely to leave the clinic with a diagnosis at the end of his first visit .
16 When Macaulay lay in bed ill once , Sydney paid a pastoral call and pronounced : ‘ He is more agreeable than I have ever seen him .
17 He is more enamoured of the lumpy , mottled effect of saltglaze — somewhere between orange peel and porridge .
18 He is more likely to borrow than barter , since he does not want to part with his own .
19 ( He is more accurately described as an epistemologist . )
20 He is more committed to our character than our comfort .
21 On the other grand inquisitors , Mr Bruce thinks Sir Robin Day is susceptible to flattery as he ‘ thinks he is more important than the interviewee ’ , and he rates ITN 's Michael Brunson and Radio 4 's James Naughtie as the least egotistical interviewers .
22 If your horse is a reluctant showjumper you may find he is more enthusiastic at hunter trials , due to the natural-looking fences and the galloping between fences , which can wake up the laziest or horses .
23 He is more eager and able to expand our faith than we are to have it done .
24 Fortunately for him , he is more often seen as the ‘ little boy lost ’ ( which is often just how he feels , so his suffering is considerable ) , for apart from his obvious grief and loneliness , who now will cook his meals and iron his shirts ?
25 In other parts of the Guide he is more realistic about them :
26 However , he is more sympathetic to European federalism and this may prove a barrier .
27 He is more conservative with a small c .
28 Now he is more likely to ask for a body spray or shower gel .
29 His latest outburst comes as a surprise , as Faldo claims he is more relaxed both on and off the course .
30 Robert says he is more settled at school but is having to work very hard this year .
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