Example sentences of "he is too " in BNC.

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1 He knows the routine , he appreciates the need , if without relishing it , he is too much the practised professional to show more than the briefest irritation .
2 The replies were versions of , ‘ He is a brave man for talking out about corruption , but he is too unstable to make a leader , ’ and ‘ We village people are all stupid , we know that , but we do n't want another war . ’
3 Back at Nathan 's sledge he is too cold to be bothered to ride again so we hoist it on to Odd-Knut 's sledge and ride on .
4 Many an anti-dog man joins the ranks of dog lovers because he is too weak to resist the demands of beloved children , but in Wexford 's household the demands had never been more than half-hearted , so he had passed through this snare and come out unscathed .
5 He could not possibly be on steroids : he is too damn skinny .
6 Jeremy is coming with me but he is too young to do this alone , and in any case I 'm the only one who can deploy O'Brien . ’
7 Though he is too politically cautious to admit it in public , Mr Reilly knows he needs taxes as a weapon in the environmental arsenal , even if they are disguised under another label .
8 He is too quick , moreover , in his offhand dismissal of the thought that the girl was ‘ abnormal ’ : ‘ You may say whatever you want ; still it is enough to make your universal declaration false if one single case contradicts you . ’
9 In 1983 he took over the captaincy of Jamaica when Rowe went to South Africa but found it a difficult business , perhaps because he is too quiet and introspective for cricket leadership .
10 If he were not a mere creature of my mind I imagine he would by now have fallen into a dangerous sleep of despair and exhaustion , frozen in a little car outside a small cottage he is too fearful to enter .
11 The point was well made some years ago by Hugh Maguire , a veteran of the English orchestral scene and an evident admirer or Karajan , when he said : ‘ He is too strong , too powerful , too rich — too much outside the general run .
12 He is too relaxed for all the questions with which he is being bombarded , and full of wonder at how golfers such as Nicklaus and Watson have coped with it for all these years .
13 He is too fine a politician to be out of the Commons for long . ’
14 ‘ A lot of people probably think he is too fat when he is jumping , ’ says John , ‘ but he seems to be better for carrying a bit of weight ; he has more energy .
15 Commonly , he is too weak to move about as he would like to but if strong enough , he can not keep still .
16 ‘ Just imagine him standing by the side of you , with his hands crossed before him in a Miss Mollyish style , his intended bow half a courtsey , his fat arms and legs assisting , as in duty bound ; his side glances at you every ten seconds , while he softly , sweetly and insinuatingly informs you — that he has made the arts his peculiar study for the last eight years , and that he flatters himself , by his unremitting study he has greatly contributed to their improvement ; that he came to Ambleside for that purpose ( 't is a great big lie — he came solely to get a living for himself and family , but he is too proud to acknowledge this ) and hopes that the time has been employed with equal advantage to the arts and to himself . ’
17 Georg Breuer 's book does not mention those advances and that , I think , is because he is too concerned with the past .
18 He is too busy , as demand mounts for his variety of mend-and-make-do work .
19 He is too rich to trust .
20 Piper , the Cardiff-based fighter with a MENSA rating of 153 who has lost only once in 18 fights , simply believes he is too clever for Benn .
21 He is too short-tempered , for one thing , and also capable of doubt , anxiety , weariness , fear .
22 COMPUTER expert Paddy Spooner has been banned from a country club 's quiz nights because he is too clever .
23 He is too bloody wily for my liking . ’
24 Push him , and he will tell you — slick appearance to the contrary — that he is too hard up to buy fancy clothes .
25 At 55 , he is too old .
26 He is too restless for a drip , and fluids are essential .
27 If this is failed , he is too slow to jump back and one arm is simply amputated ( roll D6 : 1–3 left ; 4–6 right , or you can be charitable and rule that the shield arm rather than the weapon arm is affected ) .
28 They did not snub him because he is too right-wing , but because his government has been incompetent .
29 Gradually his attitude changes , partly for the almost absurdly simple reason that the weather changes from uncomfortable cold to pleasant warmth and partly because he is too intelligent to be totally unaware that he is learning , whether he wants to or not .
30 Mansell 's commitment to the job has led some to suggest he is too brave for his own good .
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