Example sentences of "he and [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 At Harvard University in the 1970s , women protested against the use of the generic masculine — that is , the pronoun he and its variants used to refer to sex-indefinite or sex-inclusive referents — in the context of theological discussion .
2 The wife reveals that he and her yuppie husband are no longer having sex ; only gradually does she learn that his potency is being energetically drained by her own nymphomane sister .
3 Both he and her daughter were , she knew , apt to exaggerate any aches and pains .
4 Alien corn , Father Dowd called them once when he was being entertained at home and he and her father were discussing politics .
5 He and her father were friends .
6 He and her mother were more than welcome , she would delight in the chance to show them the treasure that was hers , but leave it she would not .
7 When her father formed the view that the car he and her mother had bought her for her eighteenth birthday was more roadworthy than Cara 's outwardly smart but inwardly not so clever vehicle , it was decided that they would use her regularly serviced Volkswagen Polo for the trip .
8 The conjunction of Morgan 's job and his instrument offered endless possibilities of adolescent jokes , particularly when he and -their mother were on honeymoon .
9 Both he and my mother disapproved of hitch-hiking .
10 When he and my mother came to live at the house he bought five Aylesbury ducks to swim on the pond and clear it of weed .
11 He and my father were in the army together , friends .
12 When , at the beginning of this illness , he and my mother came to stay , I organised what I can now see was an utterly inappropriate marathon of activities .
13 But since he was too weak to travel , it was arranged that he would come and stay with my husband and I until he was fit enough to fly back to Jersey where he and my mother lived .
14 Both he and my own doctor warned me to stop all running for the sake of my health ; their manner was so grave as to imply danger to my life .
15 He lived a couple of miles away in a cottage on a farm at Pilton , a cottage where he and my Dad were born .
16 He 's a lovely man , and he and my son go everywhere together .
17 He and my father were very close , you see — he controlled my lord 's armies , and supported him verbally and by arms in all things .
18 Did you know that he and my mother have separated ? ’
19 He and my mother had been together for at least ten years when I was born , and we think now that I was her hostage to fortune , the factor that might persuade him to get a divorce and marry her .
20 Probably they all knew by now ; my uncle Michael was a great gossip , and he and my father often met for lunch at week-ends .
21 He was my mother 's brother , and he and my father quarrelled years ago about a business deal .
22 Len said carefully , ‘ When my dad died , he and my mum had n't spoken for three years .
23 And he and my mother had a disagreement about this and er the result was that my father became very ill and I went home to Grandma .
24 He and my mum live alone in a council flat in one of those awful blocks in Easterhouse .
25 He and my lord spoke highly of Homer .
26 Does my hon. Friend accept that the fears raised in some people 's mind by the White Paper have not been entirely quelled by the reassurances that he and my right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State have given ?
27 Will he undertake that when he and my right hon. Friend the Minister go to Brussels next week for that crucial meeting , they will continue to fight for British agriculture as a whole and not bend over backwards to please MacSharry , as the Opposition would do ?
28 He and my hon. Friend the Member for Beaconsfield posed the best question of the debate when they asked whether it could apply to rail .
29 He and my hon. Friends the Members for Pudsey ( Sir G.
30 Anyhow , all this time Naylor was trying to tell my mother that I was a big lad now , but when I did n't turn up all day Saturday , he and my father had their work cut out in trying to calm her .
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