Example sentences of "he is [that] " in BNC.

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1 The more he reads , the more certain he is that it 's garbage — and how can you diplomatically conduct a love affair with a poet whose work you view in that light ?
2 He is that most traditional of stereotypes — the working class gone bad .
3 It is , then , because he is explaining differences and resemblances as he is that Darwin , in 1838 , needs a theory of purely opportunistic adaptive change in changing conditions , a theory making no developmentalist assumption as to a preferred direction that life will take provided it can go on at all .
4 Because if he is that we can get that as an educational presentation .
5 There is doubt as to whether he is that " William " for whom Rolle wrote , at the end of his life , the Latin treatise , Emendatio Vitae , translated into English in the sixteenth century .
6 Good call on Kelly although if he keeps playing like he is that would be a conservative estimate , how anyone could ask 1.4 for fat ‘ mars ’ mel is beyond belief though — he has n't kicked a ball in 2 years ! ! !
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