Example sentences of "he is [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now the special envoy of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees , Jose-Maria Mendiluce , says he is revolted to hear those words from Mr Boban .
2 In the Histories , however , he is sly , drunken and spineless , even lifting a sentence of excommunication on a man suspected of matricide .
3 He is thirty-seven years old , with a high forehead , and thin hair that stands on end in the slightest breeze .
4 Coming from Russia , where freedom of the press has been not so much unknown as uncomprehended since long before the Revolution , he is shocked to discover that a free press disseminated all kinds of false , partial and invented information and that journalists contradict themselves from one day to the next without shame and without apology .
5 He is shocked at what has happened to his son although he added that Darlington town centre has a reputation for violence .
6 When Pip finds out that Estella is to marry Drummle he is shocked but at this moment he is more devoted to Magwitch who will be hanged if he is caught .
7 The last matter relates to some possible supposed uncertainty about the plaintiff 's further education at school , as I have already noted it is expected that the plaintiff will remain at school until he is nineteen , he has been there now for three years .
8 He is nineteen .
9 The FBI prosecutes a cocaine-using mayor and is accused of racism because he is black .
10 He is white or , if he is black , a recent convert to the missionary Church and a martyr .
11 No one knows whether he is black , white or in-between .
12 No one behaves badly because he is black or white .
13 He is black , dark , tall and muscular and , Keith has noticed , beautiful .
14 This shows more inhumanity because he is willing to send another man to his death for no other reason that he is black and that he does not like him .
15 He is black and aged 25-30 .
16 He is black and aged 1920 , 5ft tall and stocky build .
17 A VAN driver alleged racial discrimination yesterday — because he is Irish .
18 Of course you must also remember he is Irish … do they have media bias over there too ; - ) )
19 He is Irish .
20 He is quirky and difficult ; she loving and understanding .
21 He is unbeatable .
22 For a pupil under 16 , the parent alone is entitled to access , for a pupil aged 18 or over he alone is entitled and when he is 16 and 17 they both have the right .
23 Now he is 16 and sits , moaning , limbs useless , body and brain short-circuited .
24 He is 16 — around the age Roy was when he became a star — and he plays for the Melchester youth team .
25 He can not join the Magic Circle until he is 18 , but no one can fail to be impressed when he slips out of handcuffs in under one minute .
26 He is also a National junior squad coach but until he is 18 he will have to fulfill that position under the supervision of chief instructor Andy Sheridan , 4th Dan , for insurance purposes .
27 He has notched only 17 birdies in his last eight rounds for which he is 18 over par .
28 He is content to believe this , the implication being that he is invulnerable except to anyone who is alive , who has been born .
29 He is sixteen hands exactly , ’ her stepmother informed her .
30 • Renault chief Raymond Levy says he is hesitant to conclude the present Renault-Mitsubishi-Volvo talks before the post-1992 level of Japanese imports to Europe is decided .
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