Example sentences of "he and i " in BNC.

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1 As for the purchaser , tell him to come to my house and choose another picture — something that both he and I like .
2 I belonged to that great multitude who could n't help liking Dick Crossman : he and I were always nice to one another , right to the day in 1974 shortly before his death when he came to the Birmingham Bull Ring in acute physical discomfort to hear me advise my fellow-electors to vote Labour if they wanted out of the Common Market .
3 Maybe that very quickly he started coming up with lyrics and that he and I got on well right from the off , Well , not quite from the off .
4 During that period , I spent a lot of time with Calvin Mark Lee , basically because he was Lou Reisner 's assistant , and he and I got on really well .
5 He and I got into a bit of a squabble .
6 As I became more and more obsessed by him , and as he absorbed more and more of my being , all else seemed to start retreating into a permanent , one-dimensional background , against which only he and I stood out as more than stick figures .
7 And then he and I stopped the phone conversation .
8 She swept them out , following them , fearing perhaps that they would add to Harry 's fatigue , and he and I looked at each other across the suddenly empty room in a shared fundamental awareness .
9 I first became fully aware of Mr Kinnock 's lack of ease with the written word when he and I did a half-hour TV Breakfast Time discussion , shortly before he became Labour leader .
10 Or perhaps even that he and I together , in as filthy moods as we were , must n't have looked like the sort of people even a policeman should risk messing with .
11 He and I do n't get along too well .
12 He and I live in the same street .
13 So he and I are happy .
14 In any case , for all Mr Graham 's scepticism , I can remember he and I spending many evenings trying to put our fingers on the constitution of this ‘ dignity ’ .
15 At that point , rather late one night , he and I had the last of a long sequence of talks .
16 Did n't he and I get drunk many a night together — ‘
17 I felt that he and I had something in common .
18 After his show , which ended at lOpm , he and I chatted about popularity polls , and at his suggestion , because of the noise in the studio auditorium , we stepped out onto the small balcony adjoining the fire escape stairway .
19 Now both he and I are aware that this is far from orthodox .
20 He and I may be strange companions in the same lobby but I am certain he has put his finger on an error which condemns many modern Church leaders to disappear down a theological black hole .
21 At the moment he and I are working on a scheme which could wreck this political organisation for good .
22 But of course , five years difference meant that he and I were not relating as equals until I was about sixteen , and then the war separated us .
23 He and I had had a heart to heart in the hotel following some comments supposedly made by him about me in the press , more particularly in the Sun .
24 He and I get along very well now .
25 ‘ The Steve Cropper connection came about because he and I got a chance to get reacquainted with one another down in Seville at the Guitar Legends concerts .
26 It was something that he and I talked about over a two-year period , and then he got hit with throat cancer a little over a year ago .
27 He and I had talked long into the tropical nights and I had enjoyed his company , and I would have liked to have spent more time with Senator Crowninshield , but three months ?
28 Under the bishop 's plan he and I were to change places , and while I was on furlough he was to keep both jobs going , and I would do the same on my return .
29 Pearn returned from Simla in the early part of 1945 and it was decided that both he and I should stay with the Department , go with it when the civil government returned to Burma , and get it working as effectively as possible .
30 During the critical weeks of growing unrest and public strike , he and I were in daily touch , trying to understand the situation and see what could be done to solve the difficulties .
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