Example sentences of "he took on " in BNC.

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1 After the link in 1966 with Scripture Union , he took on the role of secretary instead for several years .
2 To place his bets he took on $8 billion in debt — which , because of dearer money and recession , he can no longer service .
3 He took on the work , he says , ‘ because Warren asked me to .
4 Where others might have been satisfied just to become editor of The Times , he took on one public job after another .
5 He 's clever enough , and brave in spite of all I 've said — in that last raid he took on four men to save Ewan Beg 's life .
6 The Singh home intrigued him because although Jazz — apart from his looks — was as normal as himself , once in his own house he took on a sort of foreign ambience , changing subtly into an Indian to fit into the undeniably different atmosphere .
7 The train drew in to Penn Station with the arguments still raging round Uncle Mick 's grizzled head , but that head was still unbowed and at one time Denis was sure he saw a wink in the wicked old eye as he took on about three arguments at once and lost all of them .
8 But the trouble he took on each occasion was the same .
9 Mr Morrison says that he took on the job ‘ because they said that it would be difficult but it had to be done and that 's what appealed to me ’ .
10 He took on a starring role in the Plough Lane Crazy Gang production and gained more notoriety when he was sent off for elbowing a village postman in a pre-season friendly on the Isle of Wight .
11 Dalglish , whose side visit Southampton tomorrowsun , got his priorities right when he took on the former Luton and Wimbledon boss as his right-hand man soon after taking office just over a year ago .
12 Venables , who freely admits he took on a huge financial burden for his 22 per cent stake , is alleged to want more say on the financial side , but Sugar prefers him to concentrate on coaching .
13 In order to survive , he took on a few composition pupils , including the daughter of the Duc de Guines , who was an outstanding flautist and harpist .
14 That is to take nothing away from Mitterrand 's remarkable three-hour TV performance last week when he took on — and beat — a TV interviewer , three editors , 12 members of the public and a leading anti-Maastricht politician .
15 Phil 's first big break in showbiz was when , as a child actor , he took on the challenging role of Arthur Dodger in Charles Dickens ' classical-rock musical ‘ Camelot ’ where he learned all he knows re : homelessness …
16 He might look 17 going on 23 but , even if he turns out to be nearly as old as he appears , it will not render the three wickets he took on his debut as void .
17 Then Lebensraum became available in Venice in the Sixties , when he took on the first floor of the Palazzo Malpiero Trevisani in Campo Santa Maria Formosa .
18 I 'd never heard such oratory , admiring the way he took on the hecklers .
19 There was never owt to be done with Jake when he took on that wild-eyed look . ’
20 He took on a strange , thoughtful expression .
21 Flaubert knew of this fraternal weakness : the notes he took on parrots when researching Un coeur simple include a list of their maladies — gout , epilepsy , aphtha and throat ulcers .
22 Boswell loathed him so much that his first edition of the Tour to the Hebrides had to be amended on account of the unflattering position he took on Sir Alexander .
23 But — he took on the big job .
24 He took on the lectures , started by J. W. Hinchley [ q.v. ] in 1909 at Battersea Polytechnic , in 1917 when Hinchley was made an assistant professor at Imperial College .
25 He must have decided to do so because he took on an apprentice the day after he was freed .
26 As war developed he took on many treasurerships for the army and Parliament , becoming one of the treasurers for war in 1645 as well as a commissioner for the customs in 1643 .
27 In 1951 he took on the vice-presidency of the newly formed Musician 's Organization for Peace .
28 Looming over his huge desk , he took on a frightening aspect .
29 There were moments when he took on too much ; and although I pursued the matter of our volume only because he had invited me to do so , I soon realized that I was asking more than I should have done , especially as I was uncertain at any moment whether my collaborators saw eye to eye with me about the scope of our project .
30 I also note that the right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East ( Mr. Smith ) — who said , when he took on the job that there would be ’ no more phoney shadow Cabinet Budgets ’ — has now promised that there will be a phoney shadow Cabinet Budget .
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