Example sentences of "he feel [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Now how would he feel if he contracted the virus from a freak accident at work and gave it to his wife and child just because we had failed to test him ? ’
2 Why did he feel as though he had just run his sword through the heart of something small and desperately struggling for survival ?
3 They could explain to the child why he feels as though the world has turned upside down and why his remaining parent seems so upset .
4 He feels as though he 's in limbo .
5 GRAHAM TAYLOR yesterday vowed not to quit as England manager — but admitted he feels as hounded on the back pages as the Royal Family are on the front .
6 He becomes as soft and nervous as a cow ( 1867 ) ; he feels as worn out as a donkey ( 1867 ) ; yet still he splashes in the Seine like a porpoise ( 1870 ) .
7 it would n't , it would n't look right , I mean we have got apricot white on the walls in the back room now , but I said , he , I think he feels as though , a definite pink is not the right colour for a room , do you know what I mean ?
8 I do n't know why , yeah and I think he feels as though you , he says well if you decorate it right you can blend it in with the wallpaper
9 He felt as though he were going under dentist 's gas …
10 He felt as though he lived in a purposeless world .
11 He felt as though he was prying , and as though he was being uselessly urged on by some violent emotion of curiosity — not greed , curiosity , more fundamental even than sex , the desire for knowledge .
12 Gone was the pride he felt as through the night
13 At this discovery he felt as though he was really achieving something .
14 He felt as though he 'd been pounded hard by something .
15 And I was brought up virtually without a , well he felt as if he was n't a father , he felt as though he was my younger brother all the time !
16 But he felt as well something far greater — the sudden joy of life that he had pleaded for as the old eagle 's right , and in pleading for it then had begun at last to claim it as his own .
17 He felt as he had that night when he invoked the power of Callanish to intercede and save Minch 's life .
18 He knew so little of women that he felt as though he had woken up to find himself halfway across a vast mountain in a blizzard without map or rope or compass .
19 He felt as he had done when a small boy and rain or some other calamity of nature had kept him from a picnic , resentful and somewhat indignant .
20 He felt as he always did on the moor , and especially on this spot and on Big Allen , peaceful , without care , without self almost , at one with nature and the past , and as if nothing that happened down there could hurt or vex him any more .
21 Fergus woke in utter darkness , wondering where he was ; he felt as though he was falling backwards forever into darkness .
22 He felt as though there were a space for him in the universe , and he exactly filled it .
23 He felt as he had in Oxford , the first time he had taken a girl out with a packet of French letters in his wallet .
24 He held her in his arms , still and warm , and after a while in that darkness he felt as though he held nothing at all ; it was like when a limb , having been left in the same position for too long a time , somehow loses all reference to the body , and for those instants before some willed movement the very location and attitude of that arm or leg is quite unknown .
25 Grant had always prided himself on his fitness and worked out regularly in his health club gym , but by the time he made it to where the stone coping of the sloping gable joined the chimney stack , he felt as though every muscle of his arms and shoulders were on fire .
26 He felt as though someone had kicked his leg away from him , and he crashed to the floor .
27 What Thorkel Fóstri wished he knew was whether Thorfinn admired the new Duke , or whether he felt as he , Thorkel Fóstri , had once felt and still sometimes did , looking on a younger , able , ambitious man with all his future before him .
28 He had to stop and sit down twice on the way because he felt as though he was going to collapse .
29 He tried to disguise the anxiety he felt when he found the comms system down , but Tammuz was nearly hysterical by this stage .
30 No way he , Zitney Trench could tell her , Claudettina Wolveridge , née Schlitz , the way he felt when she half-closed her eyes at him , or reached up to take a box-file down from the section marked ‘ Insolvency ’ .
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