Example sentences of "he can [adv] " in BNC.

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1 De Klerk dismissed suggestions that he ca n't control his security forces by pointing out that he appointed 10,000 police officers last year , and claims that the new influx will go a long way in helping subdue township unrest .
2 Literary , second-sighted , sick , she holds out a hand to him : he clasps it , but then decides he ca n't go on .
3 Pretends he ca n't go anywhere alone and this is a chance for Tony to get some time to himself .
4 He ca n't see me of course but it makes me feel funny .
5 Skill is one of the most important elements in the champion 's make-up , because if he ca n't perform the right technique at the right time and in the right way , he will never make it to the winner 's rostrum .
6 We think back to the antihero of Notes from Underground lamenting that he ca n't even call himself a lazy man , and we think sideways to Svidrigailov : ‘ Believe me , if only I were something ; a landowner , say , or a father , a cavalry officer , a photographer , a journalist say — but I 'm nothing , I 've no speciality . ’
7 She knows he ca n't , as does Porfiry who will soon rephrase her question in statement form : ‘ You ca n't get on without us . ’
8 His typically unspecific and floated ‘ us ’ is the human family which Raskolnikov must rejoin , and he ca n't rejoin it without accepting suffering .
9 The cap that happened to get overlooked returns the reader 's gaze blankly yet unavoidably , like the bill from a restaurant abroad which the conspirators find when they turn out the dead man 's pockets , and like the child 's clay whistle which one of them has provided himself with to give the agreed signal — for he has lost so many teeth that he ca n't trust himself to produce the sound naturally .
10 He writes in that same letter ‘ I ca n't hate anything ’ , and he admits he ca n't even own to ‘ despair ’ .
11 If he could help himself this would be mental vandalism ; but he ca n't ; Stavrogin 's are yawns that refuse to be stifled ; automatism and involuntarism are finally one , and the tragic villain-hero who at once apprehends the ‘ sensible idea ’ and yawns at it betrays a high but helpless intelligence recalling Raskolnikov as well as Svidrigailov .
12 The mere mention of the biting in Anna 's manuscript record of ‘ At Tikhon 's ’ variants is enough to pull the reader back into The Possessed , and he ca n't experience the sudden fierce tug of that novel without realizing simultaneously that the whole ‘ At Tikhon 's ’ chapter belongs elsewhere , to a different masterpiece .
13 But these just happen to be his , he ca n't ‘ prescribe ’ them ‘ for art ’ ; what he wants to say must come to terms with what the form allows him ; art refuses to be imposed upon , to be dictated to , and Dostoevsky 's dictum will stand .
14 And these negotiations are mostly conducted in a tone of high comedy ; after 1930 Pound 's anger is virtually monopolized by Roosevelt 's USA , and English culture is for him just something that he ca n't take seriously .
15 He ca n't do anything else .
16 All those mannerisms — the splayed feet , the cupped hands , the exaggerated furrows of the brow , the strange vowel sounds - , surely he ca n't mean it ?
17 He ca n't seem to make up his mind who he is .
18 Malcolm 's got us this singer , we kept saying to each other , and he ca n't sing , what is all this about ?
19 We knew he was the owner of the club and — while he ca n't have been more than four-foot-nine inches tall — we knew that Soho was run by Maltese gangsters just like him .
20 Malcolm said OK , but even he ca n't have had any idea what Christopherson intended .
21 He ca n't have put it there for effect because he did n't know who was going to be there .
22 He ca n't say that we did n't make an attempt . ’
23 Mind you , I 've been keeping up the ice dance so all the canals are frozen and he ca n't get a match to fish , ’ joked Dave , who runs Midlands Angling Products .
24 If a road sweeper kills the king he ca n't expect to get the same gratuity as a general .
25 He says he wants to go back to his country , but he ca n't .
26 I du n no why , but he says he ca n't .
27 He shakes his head like he ca n't understand summat , then he lets go of my hand .
28 ‘ No he ca n't . ’
29 ‘ If someone has been living on the streets for a number of years he ca n't switch over to an organized life in a couple of days … it is too sudden .
30 The director , Thomas de Mallet Burgess , delicately underlines the personal in April de Angelis 's allusive script though he ca n't assert himself when the play slithers into magical realism .
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