Example sentences of "he do want " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps he did want to be in the team ?
2 And he did want to hear it from her mouth .
3 But he did want her to know and to remember .
4 He did want her to settle down and find her place now that they were married .
5 Jarvis did n't much want to do any of these things , but he did want to go up north and admire the old Glasgow PIE , not to mention going back to ride once more San Francisco 's BART , which tunnels deeply through the rock under the Bay .
6 One thing he did want was money , enough of it , and pretty soon : ‘ Without money you miss most of the pleasures and lose most of the time , and do n't let's pretend otherwise . ’
7 It seemed that he did want to , for he answered her question far more fully than he need have done .
8 But he did want to be asked .
9 Dear Lord , he did want her !
10 If he did want to mount an exhibition of his work — and she was starting to believe that that too had been a lie , just part of some overall strategy — then he 'd have to find someone else to organise it .
11 So what if he did want something from her , something she knew quite well she had n't got ?
12 He always had to spend ages reassuring Lennie he did want to travel with him and George had to keep on reminding Lennie of their dream , of alfalfa and rabbits , to comfort him .
13 ‘ The new owner of the Enderley estate is a hard man , or he 'd never have the heart to turn her out , even if he does want her cottage for a gamekeeper .
14 But he does want to stimulate constructive forward thinking .
15 And he does want to win very much — not least because of the aforementioned who are trespassing against him .
16 Suppose he does want to make the relationship permanent .
17 ‘ So he does want you back ? ’
18 Though why he does want me here 's a bit of a mystery .
19 ‘ Perhaps he does want to help me .
20 He now says that he does love his girlfriend , he does want to make that relationship work , and he 's very hopeful of making a reconciliation .
21 When he does want a pause , Charpentier gives very specific instructions such as ‘ Suivez apres une petite pause ’ ( ‘ Continue after a brief pause ’ ) .
22 But he does want to get something sorted before the end of January .
23 there is some change going on in the rural economy and perhaps he does want to interpret it as er a revolution which the communists can actually get involved in so he 's writing his paper and saying look , this is happening it may not be a rel revolution , but it
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