Example sentences of "he [vb -s] [been] " in BNC.

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1 Maurice Adams , General Manager of ACET , has recently returned form Uganda where he has been discussing planning for future projects with ACET 's African Director , Anthony Kasozi .
2 Olivier Nwaha Binya'a : a Jehovah 's Witness , he has been detained without charge or trial since May 2984 because of his religious beliefs .
3 This was in September 1989 and he has been in prison since .
4 The student here may inform himself whether he has been favoured by heaven with this truly divine gift .
5 Named after the mansion in Wuthering Heights , this is a desolate agricultural commune run by Jimmy Ahmed , back from London , where he has been in some vague way a celebrity .
6 And now he has been put down , made to seem anti-Semitic , by a probable anti-Semite .
7 The encounter could be read as establishing that he has been silly , while clearing him of a certain … imputation .
8 In general , though , he has been faithful , in most of what he has written , to a version of the mobile and multiple , mysterious and fugitive self .
9 Having Goldberg in the room with it , as he has been in my life since that first day at college , made me grasp clearly , for the first time , just what it is I have been after , he wrote .
10 Even if you do manage to prove that he has been harassing you , there does n't appear to be much general acceptance of the fact that intimidating someone in this way might actually constitute a serious crime .
11 There is really very little excuse for the student wandering out of reach of the field if he has been taught well in the first place .
12 There is no reason , and he declines the verbal advice he has been given by his Inspector , so this has now become an ‘ order ’ .
13 He has been so occupied since before his first book was published ; in season and out of season , through thick and thin , and always with the certitude that his views , his perceptions , would prevail : a catalyst and an agitator of the first order .
14 He has been crying out for support for ages , and I am sure that this new opportunity is just what he is looking for . ’
15 He has been no trouble with my two GSD bitches but while out walking , he flies at other dogs .
16 He has been with ‘ our old friend ’ too long .
17 In fact what he has been using are exactly the same as the cheap mass-produced lasers used in CD machines .
18 Scholes 's case is the more telling in that he is far from being a conservative opponent of all recent developments in theory ; he has written favourably of structuralism , and unsympathetically about fictional realism ( for which , indeed , he has been attacked by Tallis ) , and elsewhere in Textual Power he finds deconstructive reading — as opposed to the theory underlying it — a useful critical method .
19 The American critics were usually poets themselves ; Leavis made no attempt to be a creative writer — though he has been claimed as such by Ian Robinson — but his own criticism emerged from the Cambridge milieu of the twenties , where Eliot was a dominant influence .
20 Going home to Europe , Mr Eliot has had to understand Europe ; he could not quite sufficiently be the European simply to feel that he was there ; he has been forced to envisage it with a reminiscent philosophy .
21 The inspired stroke of telling Othello that he has been witness to one of Casio 's incriminatingly erotic dreams is here popped into Iago 's head because Casio does , at one point , actually hug him in his sleep .
22 But here Mr Lawson does not seem to be quite so indifferent to the behaviour of consenting adults : he has been endeavouring to control their behaviour by altering the price at which they can borrow .
23 He has been savaged throughout his visit to Rome by an unusual alliance of fundamentalist Protestants and Tory MPs not usually known for their theological knowledge or zeal .
24 Only a few days before his state 's 40th anniversary celebrations , he has been obliged to accept a deal permitting several thousand of its citizens to flee to the capitalist Federal Republic .
25 He has been one of the Legislative Council 's most diligent members , a demanding enough job ; he accepted China 's offer of a seat on the Basic Law Drafting Committee , helping to write Hong Kong 's post-1997 mini-constitution , and was embroiled in more unsuccessful arguments for direct elections , opposed by mainland communists and Hong Kong conservatives .
26 He has been an energetic supporter of the democracy movement in China ; and of Hong Kong campaigns to secure right of abode in Britain .
27 He has been telling them that both the Soviet Union and the United States have reiterated their support for the league 's plan and that political reform is the only way for the Lebanese to solve their crisis .
28 He has been seeded third behind the defending champion , Sandy Lyle , and the US Masters winner , Nick Faldo .
29 He has been a director of Wise Speke , one of the largest regional stockbrokers in the UK since its acquisition by Sturge in 1987 .
30 He has been jailed for explosives offences in Ulster and has previously been denied a visa .
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