Example sentences of "he [adv] get " in BNC.

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1 He eventually gets there at eight forty-five .
2 After the horse was bedded down it was time for Sirrell to celebrate properly , and most of Nantgaredig turned up to assist : he eventually got to bed at 3 a.m .
3 She added : ‘ When he eventually got on to the train he left the bird on a seat next to his cabin .
4 He eventually got the hang of it but to this day , keeps well clear of water .
5 He eventually got the girl to agree to a date and walked around with an idiot smile on his face for the few weeks beforehand .
6 At first they talked easily about David 's chances of demobilisation , and the kind of law he would practise when he eventually got back to London , and his prospects of fighting a reasonably safe seat at the next General Election , but inevitably that led on to Julia 's plans .
7 As I have heard from his crew , he baled out when he eventually got back to the south coast of England .
8 It had and he duly got down in two more for another of his safe pars .
9 He provided Gordon with excellent feedback from the track and by now he rarely got into trouble on the circuit .
10 Walter claims to have journeyed as a student to Nepal ( 'did n't everyone ? ' ) for purification , but Vivien reminds him that he only got as far as Ostend .
11 Nik Cohn , that indefatigable chronicler of popular culture , set out to walk Broadway in its entirety — but he only got as far as 42nd Street .
12 Amazingly , he only got the chance to go for the try because Cardiff players over-ruled skipper Mike Hall .
13 He only got his chance because we had a few players out with flu .
14 Seeing Alice 's commenting face , Muriel said swiftly , " But he only got back at three this morning , and those Channel boats …
15 " Apparently some of the younger fellows in the Owsla have been giving him a thin time — teasing him about his fur , you know , and saying he only got his place because of the Threarah .
16 ‘ But you see , dear , ’ said Bartlemas , ‘ he only got that one together in a hurry … ’
17 He only got to sergeant-major . ’
18 I tried commanding him — as if I were an angel — but he only got nasty .
19 ‘ I 'm not sure whether I should be flattered or otherwise , ’ her host drawled , and she decided on the spot that she hated men with sophisticated wit — was he saying that he took it as a compliment , or not , that he only got one mention at lunchtime ?
20 He only got away with money in one of the raids .
21 It was always touch and go whether he would be fit to take his place , and he only got the nod after coming through a trial game without any problems .
22 It was always touch and go whether he would be fit to take his place , and he only got the nod after coming through a trial game without any problems .
23 He only got started to work just about a couple of years before the war .
24 The bonus erm he only got two and a half grand last year , is he expecting to get some this year and if so what does he normally do with the money .
25 He only got a ‘ C ’ for music , but he was the only one in his group of nine to pass at all , which in an odd way is a consolation — & suggests poor teaching .
26 I mean , he only got to get his clothes on and go to work , the same .
27 And he 's still , one bloke went bankrupt , and he only got amount off him , he 's telling me the other week , he 's , he 's still five thousand pounds owing to him , though , work he did twelve months ago
28 Well he only got four or five pounds worth did n't he ?
29 Cos he only got sandwiches .
30 No , he only got this far .
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