Example sentences of "he [vb past] him " in BNC.

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1 He made him wash dishes . ’ ) .
2 He did not doubt for an instant that once he explained things to his brother , once he made him see what assets were available and how they could be used , Jean-Paul would rise from his lethargy and be as engaged , as excited , and as determined , as Edouard .
3 He made him successively Bishop of Chichester , of Ely and of Winchester , as well as Lord Almoner , and a member of the Privy Council .
4 He removed a lot of the stones , and then John poured the stones he made him
5 In his mind 's eye he relived their love-making of a few hours before and the picture of Michael lying underneath him as he penetrated him rose in his mind .
6 There he stabbed him repeatedly on the head , body and neck .
7 He battered him .
8 ‘ He 's admitted passing himself off as the Prince 's chef , and when his dastardly plan to assassinate His Royal Highness by poison did n't work , he kidnapped him .
9 Angry Brian Reatus , 44 , allegedly foamed at the mouth as he pinned him to the wall .
10 Mr Woodcock , 47 , of Holgate , York , grabbed the weapon with one hand and it went off , blasting a wall with pellets , but he hung on , dragging the raider into the car park outside the restaurant , where he pinned him to the ground until armed police arrived .
11 Tony released her arm , clapping Terry on the shoulder as he passed him , and Terry and Sarah moved self-consciously towards each other .
12 In January 1629 the king knighted Vermuyden at Whitehall , and a month later he sold him his royal manor of Hatfield for £10,000 cash down and an annual interest of £195. 3s. 5d. and a red rose .
13 When he sold him to Villa for £450,000 in 1988 , Ferguson made no secret of the fact that he was delighted to see him go .
14 I reckon Wilko spotted this which is part of the reason he sold him .
15 Nowadays he met him socially , as an equal .
16 When he met him in the office , or on the stairs , his habitually offensive glance seemed to have a new dimension of thoughtfulness .
17 The whole tone of the recording was of a man who was alive in the sense that mattered , the sort of man Charles felt he would like when he met him .
18 In the two months Coleman spent at Eurame , he met him there three times , including one occasion when ‘ Nazzie ’ volunteered the information that he was on his way to Houston with a load .
19 That is why he appointed him Lord High Protector — he knew and trusted him implicitly .
20 He expected him henceforth to be both a Congregationalist and an Anglican .
21 The doorman watched his visitor as if he expected him to steal the light fittings .
22 ‘ Clinger told me before he left that his lordship had had him in the second Sunday he was there and told him he expected him to switch on the electric fire in the private chapel ten minutes before matins .
23 He was looking at Pike as if he expected him to change shape , to flower into some awful creature .
24 When he caught Steve he asked him what he thought he was up to Well , said Steve , my mum and dad have split up .
25 Watson said he asked him what he was talking about ; North brushed him off .
26 ‘ How many Hawk missiles can you get into a 707 ? ’ he asked him .
27 Since McFarlane was an honourable man , North was not unduly worried when he asked him to alter official documents ; and when McFarlane sat down at North 's computer on November 18th to type in ‘ additional input that was radically different from the truth ’ , North still considered he must have had ‘ a darn good reason for not putting the straight story out ’ .
28 If he asked him to pass the screwdriver he passed the hammer and if he asked for the hammer , he passed the nearest broomhandle , which was usually in another room altogether .
29 When André Warnod came home on leave he asked him politely whether he would like to have his portrait painted in uniform .
30 He got off with him and he knew he was going to the station to sign off and he asked him , ‘ Did you pay your fare on the car ? ’
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