Example sentences of "he [vb past] he " in BNC.

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1 He made him wash dishes . ’ ) .
2 He did not doubt for an instant that once he explained things to his brother , once he made him see what assets were available and how they could be used , Jean-Paul would rise from his lethargy and be as engaged , as excited , and as determined , as Edouard .
3 He made him successively Bishop of Chichester , of Ely and of Winchester , as well as Lord Almoner , and a member of the Privy Council .
4 He removed a lot of the stones , and then John poured the stones he made him
5 If the manufacturer did this test on every yard of cloth he made he would be left with only worn-out cloth for sale .
6 I said we 'll try this shop , I said at least have a look and I said we 'll go round to the other 's , I said he made he 's mind up when he walked in , .
7 Then he called for the caskets of gold in which was the balsam and the myrrh which the Soldan of Persia had sent him ; and when these were put before him he bade them bring him the golden cup , of which he was wont to drink ; and he took of that balsam and of that myrrh as much as a little spoon-full , and mingled it in the cup with rose-water and drank of it ; and for the seven days which he lived he neither ate nor drank aught else than a little of that myrrh and balsam mingled with water .
8 If he lived he would be doomed to spend the war as a prisoner .
9 Art has served his country town well this country town well , he lived he all his life all in a small cottage down by the river .
10 In his mind 's eye he relived their love-making of a few hours before and the picture of Michael lying underneath him as he penetrated him rose in his mind .
11 But as time went on he realised he could not convey how the style had evolved without understanding the techniques at first hand .
12 He stretched and picked up the phone , but before he could dial he realised he had cut in on a conversation .
13 He realised he had been , and clamped his lips .
14 Painful feedback boomed from the amplifiers , and he realised he was whistling again , the sound dreadfully enlarged by his headset and hurled out into the auditorium .
15 When it was too late and Nails had had time to cool down , he realised he should have asked for Mr Bean or even Biddy or Nutty 's dad to be contacted .
16 He realised he could make a lot of money and a name for himself if he were to act swiftly and produce his maps before Green had time to complete his own .
17 Once he had decided to write the Guide Book he realised he would have to do a considerable amount of writing and although he never felt he was a good writer , his unwavering intent carried him through .
18 He was a big fit man but he realised he could not go on much longer , and his iron resolve began to melt in the face of the powers of nature surrounding him .
19 He took one bottle out to put his own in , took another one out to put a second one in , and this proceeded up the line and down the next until he realised he was always left with one in hand .
20 They saw him at the same time as he realised he had n't understood what the man had said .
21 When a leader in the Independent accuses Freddie Mercury of being a bad example because of homosexual acts committed in strictly guarded privacy before he realised he was at risk , it is using science as a screen for unexamined prejudice .
22 He realised he was in danger of appearing rude and dragged his attention back to present matters .
23 To his embarrassment he realised he had an erection and moved quickly to place a copy of the Teheran Times on his lap before the stewardess reached his row .
24 At home , in the privacy of his room , he went straight to his mirror to see if he looked normal , but he realised he might not be a good judge of that .
25 And he was embarrassed further when he realised he was the last to finish .
26 Her explanation : ‘ He was going to tour but when it got closer he realised he did n't want to .
27 Basically he 'd over indulged for too many years , to the point here even he realised he 'd gone too far . ’
28 He ended up 200 miles off course and when the Salisbury beacon came in showing a 160 mile track error to the west , he realised he had been following a star !
29 He had originally intended to polish up the wood and sell it for five shillings , but when he was fortunate enough to obtain the gramophone he realised he should repair the machine and install it in the cabinet .
30 Greg Chappell came out of a bad patch when he realised he was playing innings in his head before they happened .
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