Example sentences of "he [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Nor is he part of any of the Liberal Democratic party 's main factions ; instead , he runs his own small ‘ study group ’ .
2 Only in the last eight or nine years before his death ( 754 ) was he archbishop of Mainz .
3 Other clues , such as he smell of crushed vegetation , help the tracker dog in its search .
4 He kind of mesmerised you , ’ said Mr Hill .
5 He kind of looked at me quizzically and he had either not heard it or it had n't made any impact on him … and he basically just kind of waved it off . ’
6 And he thought about that , and he kind of smiled and said , ‘ Yes , you 're right . ’
7 I guess he heard Barbara and me discussing the good time we had with you , and he kind of picked up on it , and he wondered why he could n't come down to the Bahamas and isolate himself from drugs .
8 And my character feels differently , and he kind of goes on his own path — but it ends up a distinctive path because he 's got ta live one way with his family and then he has this other life going on .
9 He kind of smiled at me and he said , ‘ Hey , kid , ’ then he said , but more to himself , you understand , he said , ‘ Jesus , it 's like looking at myself . ’
10 Wary of causing further commotion , Jack said OK and found to his astonishment at the end of the service that the question had not been ‘ Do ye want a lift ? ’ at all — not at all , at all as they say in the Emerald Isle — but ‘ Do ye want to lift ? ’ , and as he staggered along on his then-arthritic hip bearing the coffin with five other pall-bearers , he kind of wished he 'd stuck to ‘ No thank you , I 'll walk . ’
11 Possibly yes , he kind of like wants to erm move off but then he comes back to it in a minute though , so that does n't quite hold .
12 he , all he did , he kind of
13 Another Barnet player said : ‘ Why is he chairman of a club , when he clearly hates players ?
14 Other fine books donated were a lovely set of Waverley novels , which delighted bibliophiles ; and an illuminated version of he text of Wagner 's Ring cycle .
15 ‘ [ T ] he loss of efficiency that comes from insider trading laws is a price worth paying in order to have a fairer market . ’
16 The main barrier seems to he fear of getting non-original work — but we get that anyway .
17 Such a contention involves this proposition , that no subsequent Parliament by enacting a provision inconsistent with I he Act of 1919 can give any effect to the words it uses .
18 Was he editor of the local paper ?
19 It is much larger than previously , giving more room tot he business of sending out carpet samples to hungry customers .
20 [ T ] he onus of proving a sham falls on the defendant and , in our judgment , the parties ' subsequent conduct affords … no sufficient support to his case in this respect …
21 ANYONE who watched Gordon Brown launch into the Chancellor yesterday will have asked the question : why on earth is n't he leader of the Labour Party ?
22 An infection control policy should be available to staff , emphasising he importance of the safe disposal of sharps .
23 unc It is readily checked , in view of ( 3 ) et seq. , that he product of the first two terms in ( 5 ) is R2 , of the first three is R3 , and so on .
24 Then someone else was telling a joke and he sort of — well , humiliated him , if you know what I mean .
25 ‘ He did n't like none of it , so he sort of copped out , gave up eating one fine day , till he could n't stand up no more , could n't do what he was told on the airfield .
26 He sort of nodded .
27 Well , he sort of noticed me and said ‘ Out , boy , fast . ’
28 And he sort of went , ‘ da-da ! ’
29 He sort of agreed with me that it was a waste of an opportunity .
30 He sort of treated you like , well , he did n't treat you like a pupil .
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