Example sentences of "by [adj] old " in BNC.

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1 The article was accompanied by that old picture you 've all seen before of Jonny Woodward on Beau Geste at Froggatt , described in the caption as a ‘ prime potential target for bolting ’ .
2 It 's been killed by that old mad woman .
3 You 'll not allow any of those beautiful antique pieces to be taken away by that old woman .
4 It 's run by that old ruffian , Chatterton .
5 The females close in on him , led by some old lady dolphin who has obviously had much practice at settling sharks .
6 You killed him , during the journey , paid off the cab in Cheapside and left the body to be discovered by some old biddy in Liverpool Street station . ’
7 This wild area is quite shaded by some old apple trees which were the only trees in the garden when they moved in .
8 The waste ground is separated from a park by some old fencing which is in need of repair .
9 I am intrigued by this old man who seems so unimpressed by everything we find attractive and interesting .
10 All the quality papers led with an assessment of Too Long a Winter , and marvelled at the astonishing life led by this old lady with the gleaming white hair in that frozen lonely Yorkshire dale .
11 I was annoyed by this old man , smiling .
12 It could be improved by including all the results of excavations since 1961 , but this has not been possible for various reasons , the most important of which is that it is no longer the intention to study the results of 367 , but to turn to another event recorded by Ammianus which can be illuminated by this old study and by more recent work .
13 All right , he was what he was : he was n't fundamentally a nice man , yet , had he been greeted in the beginning by this old woman as Andrew Jones had , how different things might have been .
14 Genevieve ( 1953 ) , one of Rank 's biggest successes of the decade , was directed by another old Ealing hand , Henry Cornelius , who left the studio after making Passport to Pimlico .
15 That ‘ blatant behaviour ’ was confirmed by another old friend of the Duchess who saw the couple sharing an intimate dinner for two ‘ with their legs entwined under the table ’ in Chelsea 's exclusive L'Incontro restaurant earlier this year .
16 The plot , such as it is , involves Billy The Kid ( Emilio Estevez — cardboard characters a speciality ) being given a pardon by the Governor , shafted by politicians , springing his old mates from the nick , and making a run for the border pursued by another old mate who 's sold out to the law .
17 The plot , such as it is , involves Billy The Kid ( Emilio Estevez — cardboard characters a speciality ) being given a pardon by the Governor , shafted by politicians , springing his old mates from the nick , and making a run for the border pursued by another old mate who 's sold out to the law .
18 In 1859 , as a ten-year-old abandoned orphan , he is found and adopted by the Cheyenne , and is made a brave called Little Big Man by Chief Old Lodge Skins ( Chief Dan George ) .
19 Paul , who had fallen asleep in front of the TV after making chips , was wakened by 11-month old Keely coughing .
20 Medieval Market Square , one of the largest in England , is surrounded by fine old buildings , including Welsh House , completely restored in 1975 in its original 16th Century form .
21 Most of the chart is taken up by tired old album tracks , reissues , remixes — hardly value for money .
22 To the east are the Aonachs , the brooding big beasts tamed to a degree now by poor old Aonach Mor 's ski-tows , which it wears uncomfortably like a lorry driver sporting gold neck chains .
23 I detest Iñaki Anasagasti , parliamentary spokesman for the Basque Nationalist Party , who requests that the title of Picasso 's painting be changed from ‘ Guernica ’ to ‘ Madrid ’ , as if the name chosen by poor old Pablo after the work was completed were the whole basis of its conception .
24 And is n't it a little moving to think of all these various people being moved by poor old Eddy 's death ?
25 The Act was welcomed by many old people because it gave them a regular income free from the taint of poor relief ; though many , rightly , criticized it for giving ‘ too little too late in life ’ , that little was more than had been given before .
26 Reference to Hugh Andrew 's tables will show that such a size of ‘ chute will give a fast descent when carrying 350g or 12.3oz , yet John Barker regularly operates with 450g ( 15.8oz ) fauna , arriving at his parachute size by good old eyeball engineering .
27 Linking hands , they whispered their love for one another , and although they were kept physically apart by those old granite stones , they were in another sense brought close together by them , for it is curiously easier to give your heart away through a hole in the wall than to swear your fidelity between the sheets of a feather bed .
28 Another of his own productions , this was directed by tough old boot Robert Aldrich who found Douglas ‘ impossible to work with ’ .
29 In February 1965 , the new Labour Postmaster General , Tony Benn , asked the chairman of the BBC , Lord Normanbrook ( ‘ a stupid man … at the very centre of the Establishment ’ Benn thought ) , and the Director-General , Sir Hugh Greene , why the BBC would not provide a radio service to satisfy the demand being fed by dilapidated old rust-buckets moored in the North Sea blasting rock music to the mainland day and night .
30 THERE would have been a report in today 's paper about the first parachute jump to be undertaken by 81-year-old old Mick Terrans , chairman of Durham County Council .
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