Example sentences of "by [pron] old " in BNC.

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1 The assessors and Burn only placed it sixth on their Foreign Office lists , and Scott dismissed it as ‘ a flash affair by my old pupil ’ .
2 Sir , — At the risk of prolonging correspondence , may I be permitted to join the debate started by my old friend Stella Fearnley ( see ACCOUNTANCY , August , p 66 ) and continued in the September issue ( p 6 ) by Richard Harwood ?
3 I keep her locked away , guarded by my old servant Grace Poole .
4 The fleapit at the centre of another Rose script , The Smallest Show on Earth ( 1957 , Big Time Operators in US ) , directed by Ealing 's Basil Dearden , is eventually burnt to the ground by its old commissionaire : ‘ It were the only way were n't it ’ , he says to the cooing couple who inherited the place in a town stinking of glue from the local factory , together with staff so lost in the past that they still enjoy looking at Hepworth 's Comin ’ Thro ’ The Rye .
5 However , if I call it by its old full name , 2-methoxy-4-allylphenol , or worse by its modern one , 3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propene , I will have lost everyone .
6 During the first part of the 20th century , because of its proximity to Nailsworth Station , it became known as Station Mill , although it was still referred to locally by its old name .
7 Beta , often known by its old proper name , was ranked of the first magnitude in ancient times , but is at present slightly below the second .
8 Muhammad Reza deeply resented the way in which his country was once again being governed by its old enemies .
9 St Jude 's Square lay before her , level and familiar , flanked by its old taverns and the graceful iron railings of St Jude 's churchyard where Luke still often waited for her ; the square crowded and ebullient today with the stalls for the Friday market , with traders and dealers and pedlars of fancy braids and buttons , fans , feathers , bright little birds in cages , beads , sequins , second-hand dresses that could be unpicked and made over , second-hand bonnets that could be remodelled , old belts that sometimes had decent buckles , sugar sticks the colour of rubies and emeralds that would be a treat for Liam .
10 What they call policy nowadays he 'd still call by its old and uglier names .
11 There is a terrifying slippery slope in the process , by which old people come to be regarded as less than fully human and are therefore not treated as persons deserving equal respect .
12 Encouragement of the private sector could take the form of providing ‘ cash ’ ( perhaps in the form of tokens or vouchers ) by which old people , without adequate financial support , could purchase the services which they require .
13 What effectively , I think , I mean I 've never actually sat down because it would be an enormous mistake and nobody would thank me for it , but my guess is that those enormously complex classificated can be understood as a method by which old men rig the system for their own benefit and hide this kinds of ridiculous anonymous and the anomaly basically is the young men end up with old wives
14 So long as people continued to live in their old houses , surrounded by their old friends and neighbours , and had not broken with a routine of life which perhaps dated back generations , then the re-moulding of mentalities was going to be a frustratingly slow process , particularly for an engineer of human souls who was no longer young .
15 The Wearsiders ' prize for victory at West Ham will be another trip to London against a Chelsea side managed by their old FA Cup hero , Ian Porterfield .
16 The project prides itself on the intensive post-placement support offered to the children by their old key workers , and to the family by the family placement worker .
17 On Monday Le Moignan was beaten by her old adversary Lisa Opie , and Harris lost to Paul Gregory , his closest friend on the circuit , two weeks ago .
18 Her response — such a lighting up of her face — made me remember how few times it was likely she had been kissed in her whole life : not as a child , by the parents who had given her away ; not by her old foster parents ; not often , I guessed , even by Beatrice and her boys .
19 Straight off Concorde from the United States following a lecture tour , she visited The Daily Telegraph 's party at the Savoy Hotel , and then continued the night at a party in Westminster given in her honour by her old friends Lord McAlpine and Sir Gordon Reece .
20 Miss Fluck had not long changed her name to Miss Dors , and anxious to make her feel at home , the vicar decided to call her by her old name — though he was scrupulous in remembering to include the all-important L. ‘ Ladies and gentlemen , ’ he began when the great moment arrived , ‘ I am going to ask you to welcome a very special person here this afternoon .
21 It is a quality noted by her old boyfriends .
22 My wife also read it and declared it superior to the equivalent magazine sent her by her old University — Oxford .
23 Nearly two decades after his first solo album , and four years since his last , Cale has signed to the Opal company ( run by his old friend Brian Eno ) who have just released Words for the Dying , the bulk of which is Cale 's first extended classical work , The Falklands Suite .
24 There was sympathy for Hitler himself , who was continually being let down by his old compatriots .
25 The last public declaration to his people on 24 February 1945 , the anniversary of the promulgation of the Party Programme , was not given by Hitler himself , but was read out as a Führer Proclamation by his old Munich comrade , Hermann Esser .
26 By the time he quit in 1983 , Mr Paisley , supported by his old colleagues Joe Fagan , Ronnie Moran , Roy Evans , Tom Saunders and Reuben Bennett , had guided Liverpool to six championships , a hat-trick of League Cup successes and three European Cup triumphs .
27 When Edward VI succeeded , he order Anne to exchange Bisham Abbey for a less grandiose abode in Kent , owned by his old friend , Philip Hoby .
28 Patrick had of course ( yet why of course when he had so nearly died ? ) resumed his role as poet , jester , teaser , charmer , visited by his old pub companions , and doted upon by Alison and Franca .
29 Tulkinghorn , having discovered that George has a document written by his old commanding officer , Captain Hawdon , former lover of Lady Dedlock 's , finds a means of forcing George to hand the document over .
30 After an inevitable return to Leeds United for a brief spell as manager , Billy Bremner was finally sacked by his old club when results went against him .
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