Example sentences of "at which i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ With other illustrators , I work at a distance — we visit and phone , but there is a point at which I ca n't pester them any more , ’ Allan says .
2 But unless you spent a lot on flowers and balls for the children and on Mary 's birthday present , considering that you had our 15/ and some 5/ or more yes more of your own a month ago , on which no calls but fares need have been made , to which was added about 30/ ( or more ? ) lately , and from it all not 30/ was spent on the dress , you should have a sovereign left : add to this the wages of this month to come , and there should remain , after 35/ to the spectacle man , fully a sovereign , which , considering our needs for the future & also your promises , nay , certainties , at which I laughed , should go to the bank .
3 This included a stern order to attend a wine and cheese party in Kensington the following week at which I would be able to collect one of the following gifts ; an environmentally friendly tofu griddle and rotisserie ; postdated shopping vouchers for the Sock Shop , Tie Rack , Next , Laura Ashley , Habitat , Heals and the Conran Shop ; a holiday in Nepal ; or a year 's supply of irradiated fruit .
4 I did not even complain to the British Medical Association — as I was in law entitled so to do — about the gross impertinence of a certain toothy and incompetent doctor in this very borough who imagined in his stupidity that I was incapable of reading upside-down the notes he was making on the other side of a desk at which I was once unwise enough to sit .
5 There was n't a rehearsal in either Vienna or Salzburg at which I was n't present .
6 She would rest and not have dinner nor , regrettably , attend the evening performance , at which I was to read .
7 We did n't think this could be true , somehow , and then one of my friends whose sense of humour was decidedly quirky , asked it to tap out in tens the age at which I was going to die .
8 And that , I swear to you , dear reader , was the first moment since my awakening at which I had realised what a very special day it was .
9 Hardly any thing could resist this accuracy at which I was much impressed , though a bit alarmed at Griffin himself , who sat around on a stool amid the most dreadful carnage and what was later known as flak in order to observe the behaviour and results of his phenomenal piece of artillery .
10 … and in the short space of time allocated to me I would like you to know that this is an occasion at which I am indeed proud — extremely proud — to be present .
11 The school at which I was CFI taught leaning in Exercise 4 and throughout the PPL course .
12 This was the moment at which I came near to giving up .
13 This caused a needle to bend to an angle at which I had never seen a needle before !
14 So here at last , this point at which I stood , was the very place , the geophysical start-line at which two of the world 's great geologic plates met .
15 " I can not accept lectures , " he told his guests , " because the people who pay for them expect me to attend cocktail parties at which I am caught between someone wanting to know what I think of existentialism and someone asking me what I really meant by such-and-such a line " .
16 This is the point at which I as a mathematical physicist begin to splutter and go red in the face .
17 At an effective level , the one at which I made it possible for Jean-Claude to work uninterruptedly , I felt both the benefits of a com-panionable relationship with someone of whom I was , in many ways , admiring , and a sense of my own worth : I was useful to him .
18 Luckily for Athletico , business is my business and something at which I excel , as many of you will know from the success of my 8-Day Superette in the High Street .
19 PAMELA : [ moving behind the line of chairs ] Here is the bar at which I am to take my trial .
20 ‘ Accordingly , ’ said Miller , ‘ I propose to hold a press conference this afternoon at which I 'll reveal we 're dealing with a kidnap as well as a murder . ’
21 Because the discussion of these criteria is associated with a fresh and more promising period in the history of memory research , and also symbolizes the point in my own research trajectory at which I switched from working on imprinting to an even simpler form of learning in the young chick , they can appropriately form the starting-point for the next chapter .
22 There is the age at which I will grow into my own maturation , and there is the age at which my hair has started to turn grey .
23 I liked it when Kaptan described his moment of deliverance , the point at which I tried to shoot my old comrade in arms in the back , then the desperate fumble to see who 'd get their shots off first .
24 Another function in London which I was able to attend was a lecture by Eliot at that same Group Theatre at which I had seen Sweeney Agonistes .
25 He glanced up at the sky and remarked : ‘ There 's nowhere to go at this time of night ’ , at which I said that I would be going home , and moved off to the right .
26 At which I uttered some condolences .
27 Another important building in my day is the school at which I am taught .
28 However , if the hon. Gentleman had attended the seminar at which I made my remarks last Monday — I greatly regret that he was not there to hear me talk about delegation to the regional arts boards — he would have known that I made the point that if such delegation is fully successful — if the regional arts boards are progressing well — the question whether the five major national companies should continue to be funded by the Arts Council or be funded directly will arise .
29 Referring to the point at which I first tried to intervene , he will know that there is under-reporting of crime .
30 It was the prose at which I had been working all morning .
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