Example sentences of "at this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sam is now seven , and received his First holy communion at this convent on the next day .
2 But i , Mark you look at this accelerator pedal it 's the whole sort of length of your foot , it 's
3 And I had to ask a lad stood at front , I said can you ask him to stop at this stop please .
4 Individual Athenians felt no compunction at this tightening of the screws : an Athenian father of about this time called his son Karystonikos , shamelessly exulting in the ‘ Victory over Karystos ’ , and the name Naxiades , which occurs in the same inscribed casualty-list ( ML 48 ) can be similarly explained .
5 One feels that two hours spent in one or other of the jammed little rooms — there are four as far as I remember at this instance , two down , one up , and one in the cellar — will be rewarding , refreshing , and never questioned by the owners .
6 Of interest to us , however , is his attempt to address the question why , if the time of bleeding is the most fertile time , do women tend to shun male company just at this part of the cycle ?
7 But the Board now asks the general assembly to look again at this part of our remit and to form a judgment about where this work should be most effectively done in future .
8 She had been so engrossed with Ana that she had paid no attention to the path and at this part it was narrow .
9 The destiny of another big race at this course , the Cesarewitch on 21 October , may become clearer after the performace of Beekman Street ( 1.30 ) .
10 Er I suppose erm er the , most of the people I 've seen in the last ten years have been people either approaching retirement , planning for retirement or actually at the point of retirement and er we 've obviously looked at this course over a number of years and we try to sort of distil it down to the basics of things that we think are important er and that we think will be useful to you .
11 Queries regarding your attendance at this course should be discussed with your immediate supervisor , in the first instance .
12 You will enjoy being here at this course , you will enjoy the training .
13 She took a look at this man before her and summed him up in five seconds flat : he was from the country ; he was perspiring because he was wearing his one and only suit which was too heavy for the weather ; his shoes were outrageous , huge , clod-hopping things , but at least they had been polished ; his hands were heavy , his fingers thick as sausages so he was definitely a man of the land ; despite all that , he was quite polite and well-spoken though with a strong accent that she could identify as being Scottish but from which part of Scotland she could not say ; for some reason she was quite sure he was a liar .
14 Look at this man we have here .
15 Instead , another regrettable aspect of her personality impelled her to smile specially at this man .
16 He grinned and she felt her spirits rise as she looked with affection at this man who was like a brother to her .
17 She was being stupidly short-sighted in snapping at this man .
18 A distant part of her mind wondered if she 'd ever be able to look at this man and not want him , but in truth she already knew the answer .
19 Kate deliberately let all control go , let her anger at this man rip through her with all the force of a forest fire .
20 But not at this man 's expense .
21 Oh god , look at this man looks like he 's gon na mug you in n it .
22 R. W. Dale accepted in 1862 that the sneers against Dissenters ' Gothic had some validity but , he added , ‘ we can only say that we are inexperienced hands at this work .
23 Rottweilers seem to excel at this work .
24 As feminists , we need to have a way of looking at this work which makes us think about whose shattered lives and suffering produced the money used to pay her for her paintings — namely the poor rural workers of Britain and Ireland and the enslaved African peoples working in the West Indies and the American colonies .
25 At this work experience .
26 In June 1561 , just before the personal rule began , Elizabeth 's ambassador Nicholas Throckmorton warned her that ‘ your realm is in no other case at this day , than all other realms of Christendom are ’ , by which he meant torn by religious controversy and conflict ; in the twentieth century , J. H. Elliott was to characterize this period as the decade of revolution , when Scotland was only one of eight countries including France , Spain , the Netherlands and England which experienced upheaval and revolt .
27 One of Parker 's coadjutors contributed a remarkable note : ‘ Ophir is thought to be the Ilande in the west coast , of late founde by Christopher Columbo fro whence at this day is brought most fine golde . ’
28 Sir , today you have before you what I believe is the most important village still existing close to York , which has , over a considerable part of its area , extant at this day a medieval character and feel .
29 Ordered , That , at this day 's sitting , the Ways and Means Motion and the Motion relating to Local Government Finance Bill ( Allocation of Time ) may be proceeded with , though opposed , until any hour .
30 Ordered , That , at this day 's sitting , the King 's Cross Railways Bill may be proceeded with , though opposed , until any hour .
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