Example sentences of "at a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At a particularly exciting point I dropped it between the seats in front , and insisted that my parents ask the people to look for it .
2 Years of irresponsible budgets have obliged America 's fiscal policy to work perversely at a particularly awkward moment .
3 In 1988 , at a particularly lively , contentious and near-violent writers ' conference in Budapest , Angela and I listened one quiet afternoon to the omnipresent Susan Sontag as she revealed that she had devoured ( her cliche ) the great classics of English literature soon after discarding her diapers .
4 But perhaps above all it was that his candidature was unreservedly supported by Tawney , who knew him well , which convinced the appointing committee that Jacques had the background experience , commitment and personal qualities required by the District at a particularly difficult point in its existence .
5 Once again , the two kings were stranded together at a time when the kingdom of Sicily was at a particularly explosive juncture in its long and turbulent history .
6 As it fell out he was one of the few successes at Selhurst Park at a particularly difficult time for the Palace club .
7 The loss of important relationships and retirement from a job , with its easy access to daytime companionship and the outside world , can also come at a particularly vulnerable time in life .
8 The reader feels entertained , but in an excluded sort of way , rather as though he or she were the butler at a particularly lively dessert at Lincoln 's Inn .
9 The British Medical Association and the Royal College of Midwives said yesterday that unless cash is allocated for proper counselling , routine testing could put pressure on women at a particularly vulnerable time .
10 We challenged and supported each other through the stresses of daily living , where women , who were at a particularly vulnerable point in their lives , had to make hard choices about their future and gain the strength to struggle through and survive .
11 The number of psychology Ph.Ds in these expanding areas taken by women , is increasing at a particularly fast rate .
12 Ronald Reagan 's election to the White House occurred at a moment when the credibility of the American presidency was at a particularly low ebb .
13 We were in a sort of back room , and at one point we gave a particularly loud whoop at a particularly long word and a waiter looked in to see if we were calling for anything and then went away .
14 One group among these plants , the cycads , survives today and shows the development at a particularly dramatic stage .
15 for a general election could not be long delayed after the new franchise came into effect and the war was at a particularly gloomy stage .
16 I realized that at a particularly good moment , at five forty-eight this morning .
17 Not only had he resigned at a particularly sensitive historical moment , it was also a political fact of life that the Cold War situation literally demanded that no concessions be made to anyone venturing to attack the party ; and the attempt to rehabilitate the " police spy " Nizan was undoubtedly perceived as an attack on the party .
18 One woman writing anonymously to a women 's magazine told of her distress at a particularly dehumanizing gynaecological examination .
19 But if access to the ordinary commercial activity of a shopping precinct were to be blocked for a considerable period at a particularly busy time of day , so that people were prevented from conducting their ordinary business and social affairs , there is a disruption of sufficient significance to warrant the imposition of conditions .
20 The urge for an independent central bank and a proposed Euro central bank comes at a particularly dangerous time , when recessions , depressions and even a slump can not be ruled out .
21 Relations between the SFC and the stock exchange had historically been poor , and the government feared that the timing of the crisis could mean a collision with local financial interests , at a particularly sensitive political juncture with direct elections due in September .
22 But ‘ Mr Donald ’ , as he is known to his staff , has inherited the top spot from his father Christopher at a particularly lean time in the lift business .
23 Between 1983 and 1987 , long-term funds made net acquisitions of government and company securities at a broadly similar rate , of about 2bn per annum .
24 Ockleton pointed in turn at a broadly built man smiling conventionally towards the camera and a short , fleshy fellow beside him raising a glass as if to join in a toast .
25 At present , other matters are proceeding , but I can tell the hon. Gentleman — I am grateful to him for seeking clarification — that in respect of a further order for type 23s , I expect that to be at a broadly similar interval comparing this with the previous order that was placed .
26 This had been a perfectly human reaction : to look quickly at a dead relative , loved or otherwise .
27 Half of these children belong to the families of the unemployed , and many belong to families who have work but at a desperately low rate of pay .
28 The Trust is a long-standing and valued connection at the Branch and it was a pleasure to have many local dignitaries in attendance at a splendidly friendly occasion .
29 Elsewhere , earnings-related insurance , plus ‘ social aid ’ at a distinctly lower level for those not covered , continued prewar traditions .
30 Birmingham is well served by public transport , while its frequently denigrated ring road system allows traffic to flow at a remarkably fast pace ( 17.5mph in rush hours compared to central London 's 9 or 10mph ) .
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