Example sentences of "he [adv] went " in BNC.

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1 The investigator said he would try his luck with the scenery-watchers in the dome-car , with apparently the same result , and from there he presumably went in to see the Lorrimores , who apart from Xanthe were still in seclusion .
2 He presumably went by his own codes on the packet .
3 His name was Dave Brown and he eventually went on to establish one of the first clubs in the country to be licensed as an openly gay establishment .
4 Indeed , Mr Buckley was either too generous or too fool-hardy ( probably a bit of both ) for his own good , for he eventually went bankrupt .
5 Phipps 's latest conquest — he rarely went long without excitement — had been the childless and bored Mrs Venables , whose cake was the last he 'd tasted , and whose husband was the local chemist .
6 His mother was obviously surprised , for he rarely went out , moving no farther than to the chair in front of the television set .
7 It was a place he rarely went , and now he had been twice in twenty-four hours ; last night with Benny , and tonight because he was so late and fussed getting back from his useless journey to Dublin .
8 He rarely went for a tightframed shot , but instead honed in on whatever it was the subject had and made them give him more .
9 By stating that he rarely went to the theatre , and needed to be forcibly taken there if he went at all , he managed to lay bare the inadequacies of modern drama and defined the conditions of a new sort of drama altogether .
10 The MP for a seat in Warwickshire , Grunte was not one of the better-loved Tories , but he rarely went unnoticed .
11 That he let her go , and that she was free of him so easily was a great relief , but she was shaken from the unwanted experience , and as he swiftly went on his way she turned round — but only to collide with someone else .
12 Mr Farraday did not seem to understand this statement , for he merely went on : ‘ I mean it , Stevens .
13 Sir Geoffrey met the Commissioner at a Lord Mayor 's Banquet , and when he became worried he naturally went to him .
14 Then , after dealing with the Grand Slam Cup and explaining how he only went along with the idea after insisting that the event would also produce $2m for the development of the game in ‘ third world tennis countries , he went on :
15 Gloria said he only went along with her because of the housing shortages , because he knew he was lucky to have a room at all , even if it was only half a room at Mrs Parvis 's .
16 He only went to church when he took church parade — he was what we then called a Regular — but he shed buckets of tears when he heard the Last Post .
17 From that point on he only went down to the hospitals ‘ as and when required ’ .
18 You know he only went to he only went for a pee you know what I mean that cramming five pound and ten pound deals at him , and he 's going , No you can , you know .
19 You know he only went to he only went for a pee you know what I mean that cramming five pound and ten pound deals at him , and he 's going , No you can , you know .
20 This man , who told Huy that he only went to the place to drink , never having had a problem when it came to finding a girl , was looking urgently for somebody to work on his paperbeating team as one of his men had died suddenly from river fever .
21 Leaning in the kitchen doorway , he watched as she put the kettle on , then asked softly , ‘ When did Ryan tell you he only went out with you for the money ? ’
22 Caroline stared at him , waiting for him to smile , to give some hint that he 'd made a joke she 'd simply not understood , but he only went on looking at her , his face as cool and composed as if he 'd done nothing more than offer to top up her sherry .
23 he only went about a week and then he closed .
24 He only went out there to help some
25 He suddenly went cold , with a dreadful certainty .
26 He suddenly went quiet .
27 ROCKER Danny Bowles was convinced his career was over when he suddenly went stone deaf … hours before playing the biggest gig of his career .
28 But then he suddenly went away by the window and he would n't come back .
29 Then he suddenly went up on his toes and both hands flashed out and clipped me on both cheeks .
30 He just went on saying in a shocked way , as if he had lost his mind , ‘ You 're twenty-five , thirty years old ?
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