Example sentences of "he [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Then he rather undercut the room 's prim pity for him by roaring with laughter .
2 He eventually let go of me and I had to go the bottom of the baths and bring him to the surface , take him to the side and get him breathing again , and I was considered a failure for that .
3 Neil , Neil now says , that when he meets a girl , he , he waits to see if she 's got any characteristics in common with the dreadful Vicky , the girl that he eventually fetch her much deserved slosh on the chops and was pulled into Ipswich Magistrates Court , you know , oh I should n't laugh , but erm , he says he looks for those characteristics , and the moment he sees that the girl is going to be this sort of neurotic , excitable , hysterical creature he walks away .
4 Jim 's father has a chronic drink problem and he eventually put the family out of their house .
5 Sweeting also confirmed that the Miss Johnson story originated from his aunt who , as he wittily put it , ‘ could only know what was told her ! ’
6 He effectively cast his own vote against the Islamic trend by calling on his subjects not to vote for extremist religious ideologies — a move which could prove counter-productive .
7 It is useful for would-be choreographers to examine his ballets and discover that he mostly set them in countries possessing easily recognised characteristics .
8 I is he much cop , this bloke ?
9 So worried has he apparently become that Mr Yeltsin recalled his liberal ambassadors to Washington and Paris , who still hold deputies ' mandates , to bolster his support .
10 Now he merely lay and moaned , but at least he was no longer screaming .
11 Caught in these scenes intimately , he merely put foot after foot forward , automatically , without expression .
12 So far , rather surprisingly in view of his family 's origins , he says very little , but he obviously understand much of what is said to him .
13 When my brother looked through his new spectacles into the Cinemascope format of the wide mirror I saw that he gently let his lower jaw fall a little so as to give himself more of the thin-faced appearance of Hank R Marvin in Summer Holiday .
14 Then , with his eyes fixed on hers , in the light that was shining through to the bed , he gently let the material of her only covering fall down to below her waist .
15 ‘ Everything 's fine , Handel , ’ Herbert told me calmly , as he gently put bandages on my hands .
16 He personally oversaw and , if necessary , modified the agenda for meetings .
17 ‘ I should rather say it was something he inadvertently let fall that led me to believe there might be a legal case to answer . ’
18 He only let her see what he wanted her to see , gave no hint of what he was really like , not the man inside .
19 He only have our nostalgia for our personal lost Eden .
20 and that , that Pool Manager was n't employed , there 's a Pool Manager now but he only give the information to the National Dock Labour Board .
21 ‘ He left this for the little Romany Rei I reckon you be he so take it bor an plant no gorja curses on his grave . ’ ’
22 I he said , he 's an old type chemist he said just mention my name he said he perhaps fix you up with small quantities or try this other place in Wrexham he said they , chemist he said but they do wholesale work as well
23 Philby claimed he thoughtfully put them on the right track to divert suspicion from himself .
24 He suddenly let her go , turning away impatiently and pressing a bell .
25 He insisted that he alone set Free French policy on all major issues .
26 It 's not a new idea , but there 's a , a electronics engineer and computer er enthusiast called Dermott Dobson who 's brainchild this particular technology is , and he basically put it together in his back room .
27 When he cracks a joke or whatever he does in front of the class , he just turn round and laugh .
28 That 's how he is , he just come around , crack him few sarcastic jokes about black kids .
29 he just come back
30 Cos they were said , he just come in nanny , he said he 's got the change .
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