Example sentences of "he [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 That he was so successful was not because his dancers were technical experts , but because he made them feel Rachmaninov 's passionate love of ‘ music as movement ’ .
2 Often he made them criticize each other 's work .
3 He made them each a cup of tea , listing other jobs for which he was not suitable .
4 I 'll bet he made them rope up to do the dishes .
5 And he put his sons to read , that they might be of the better understanding , and he made them take arms , and be shown how to demean themselves in battle , and to be huntsmen .
6 And when they were all assembled , he went out unto them , to a place which was made ready with carpets and with mats , and he made them take their seats before him full honourably , and began to speak unto them , saying , I am a man who have never possessed a kingdom , neither I nor any man of my lineage .
7 And Doña Ximena and her daughters stood trembling , like women who had never seen such things before : and when the Cid saw it he made them seat themselves , so as no longer to behold it .
8 Relentlessly he made them repeat every movement and worked them for hours on end until they were perfectly in unison .
9 After this he made them both some cocoa and began the first of the Just So stories .
10 Equally remarkably , he made them open their pockets , so that they gave with extraordianry generosity when other communities as far away as Italy suffered disasters like their own .
11 THE parents of a little boy who died after being knocked down while learning his Green Cross Code told last night how he made them promise to give his organs to suffering children .
12 Most patients reacted to injections of a number of substances and he made them up custom made ‘ vaccines ’ of supposed antidotes .
13 He made them by scattering his droppings over the sky and this is why the grass and the trees grow so thick on the world .
14 He made them sound like the Famous Five
15 He made them sound like the Famous Five .
16 Mr Hardiman pointed the ear-piece of the golden spectacle frame at Ernest , stabbing the air to underline the points as he made them .
17 ( Later ) They wanted to give Lenin tea and to treat him to speeches of welcome , but he made them talk about tactics .
18 He made them put it in the garden shed . ’
19 He forced the couple into the vestibule of a bank in Brunswick Street where he made them take off their clothing .
20 He made them sing softly and then to sing loudly — smoking a cigar and strolling up and down with his walking-cane he had everyone in the audience completely under his control .
21 ‘ Did he paint them ? ’
22 He runs a scrap yard there and erm whenever he gets decent cars in like , he flogs them on .
23 He hated them before the war and he hates them now with a depth you gentlemen here would find hard to understand . ’
24 If he plays games to while away the tedious time , thought Cadfael , he plays them by noble rules , even those he makes up as he goes .
25 Not that he plays them all that well , ’ he admitted , thoughtfully watching the harried youngster trying to be as tall as his tallest and most formidable charge .
26 He plays them like game fish .
27 So he appeased them , placated them , told them they had done brilliantly and would all be very rich men in just a few more days .
28 When he entertained them to dinner , they travelled to his apartment at Buckingham Palace , not the other way around .
29 The Roots , a drawing done at about the same time as Sorrow , was conceived quite deliberately as a companion piece , He paired them because he was trying to say the same thing in both .
30 He depicted them with their mothers or alone , being held or rocked , or lying in cradles .
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