Example sentences of "on it as " in BNC.

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1 They 'd been in it only a year , but Mrs Yardley had lavished as much effort on it as she had on her beautiful cake .
2 Perhaps a slow , gentle easing up with as little weight on it as possible ?
3 I must admit I really enjoyed working with him , and we did tracks like ‘ The Laughing Gnome ’ and I have to say , I am one of the gnomes on that record and am responsible for some of the terrible jokes on it as well .
4 Quick-on-the-uptake pro that she was fast becoming though , Kylie put a brave face on it as she began the slow — and often painful — process of consolidating her success .
5 If he was prepared to fight the Old Man on it as well as one of his juniors , then there was muscle in the man he had never before recognized .
6 The wheelchair provides the ideal type of support , as the patient can not lean on it as he would on a walking frame , because the chair would tip up .
7 Every interview is valuable experience and good practice , so look on it as time well spent even if you are not hopeful about the outcome .
8 The child can then put the same number of candles on it as his years , perhaps putting ‘ how many for last year ? ’ , ‘ four ’ and then one more for his ‘ fifth ’ birthday .
9 It was great because Steve Marriott was on it as well and I had n't seen him for a couple of years .
10 We 've recorded a few shows , but I want to put some new things on it as well … ’
11 The board has the same switches on it as I have on the rack , so if Bryan presses the board they light up for me too , so I can see what he 's got on .
12 Needless to say , 2:7 have got the last word on it as usual .
13 They immediately seized on it as evidence that Mr Major was not telling the whole truth about Europe .
14 Now the bank is demanding not only the cash but £230 interest on it as well .
15 According to Shaun , ‘ Yes Please ’ has got the same production on it as ‘ hardcore , rock smokin' ragga music — it 's more leather than loops , harder than the artist ’ , which , to be fair , at the moment does n't account for much .
16 I 'd already set up the perch , so I put Dawn on it as I spoke .
17 At Force Mills , follow the road leading up to Satterthwaite , keep on it as it crosses over Grizedale Beck .
18 It is what it is , it 's just another record that happens to have the same people on it as ‘ Harvest ’ …
19 He started to sit up , seeking her face , but she was already moving down the bed , and moments later he felt her lips on his stomach , and then upon the head of his cock , which she took into her mouth by degrees , her tongue playing on it as she went , until he thought he would lose control .
20 Then he hurled himself against the rigid flap of wall , pushing it , bending it back into the hole , stamping on it as he forced his way into the darkness beyond .
21 Her hands rested on it as she surveyed me with calm enquiry .
22 And when we calculate these other points they should fit on it as well .
23 The inside is a mess , even though he 's come to look on it as his only home and so tries to keep it straight .
24 Small garden cane It 's made it rather heavy with er , the material on it as well .
25 If the company ‘ goes under ’ , I fear R will regard the years he has spent on it as wasted , it seems to be a feature of modern society that we tend to judge who we are and what we 've achieved , even what success is , by our work above everything else .
26 I came across the garden 's central pavilion quite by chance , stumbling on it as I followed a dried water-course .
27 I remember how her dress lit the stairwell , reflecting on to the wall the sunbeams that fell on it as she descended .
28 The final system design is evaluated on the basis of job satisfaction of those working on it as well as its efficiency .
29 He dropped his cigarette on the floor and stamped on it as Berger came round the corner , a rolled-up map under his arm .
30 That lintel , there 's quite a big slope on it as well ,
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