Example sentences of "be [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is tempting to suggest that the public conception came from memory and the private metaphors from their inner worlds of inner objects , but to draw such a fine distinction would be to go beyond the evidence I have .
2 If you suspect , for example , that your neighbour intends to build on your land , or if your windows are going to be blocked so that no light can get through , or if an unreasonable nuisance is going to be caused , then your last hope may be to go to the courts and ask for an injunction .
3 But for the butcher , baker , DIY shop , holiday company or plumber , the remedy seems to be to go to another trader next time , and write this disappointment or disaster down to experience , unless it is bad enough to take to a lawyer or the Small Claims Court .
4 On the other hand , if you were Andrus and for some reason you decided to start a campaign of your own , and you were , like him , a Copt , the first thing you would do would be to go to a bank and make proper financial arrangements .
5 it seems to me that often , especially with this committee er start at half ten we get to about half twelve and everyone starts shuffling and think of their lunch and often not so much recently , but in , in , in , over the last five years there have been issues I think it almost left you on because it was so close to lunch , er and people did n't then want to have to break for an hour , hour and a half and then come back , whereas if you start at two fifteen erm I think it 's easier to go on till half four , five seems to be to go to this psychological one o'clock barrier , seems to er upset people greatly agitation and er their argument is th th that er that in the afternoon
6 ‘ Where will all the people be to go on 18-30 holiday packages ?
7 However , the key to the avoidance of uncontrolled complexity in any engineering domain may be to go for a complete and as rigorous as possible a description of the problem in hand before any detailed calculations are made on the precise properties of the postulated design .
8 The next hurdle for Petrochemicals will be to go for the highest level Q1 Gold award which will involve another step up in performance .
9 To see profit as the prime motivation to LMS would be to detract from the sense of involvement and success that support staff may potentially receive from its effective management .
10 Our next stop comprises a pair of gems that would be world famous were they more amenably located , but that would be to detract from the peerless setting in which both Aldeburgh and Thorpeness golf clubs find themselves .
11 When there is information to give about a diagnosis of terminal disease , for example , it is always the statutorily determined next of kin who are given the information , regardless of how suitable they may be to cope with such information emotionally , and regardless of how involved in the actual care of Mr Patient they are .
12 But imagine how hard it would be to cope with if you were deaf and blind — like Julia Gates .
13 Few , if any , Members of Parliament who voted , as I did more than once , for the abolition of the death penalty , can have failed to revolve in their minds many times since then both the reasons for their vote and what cause there might be to repent of it or to vote otherwise on a future occasion .
14 But this fact alone would hardly entitle a beneficiary to execution in rem against a third party : to allow that would be to indulge in a breach of fundamental principle and equity .
15 The obvious thing seemed to be to retire to bed ; both women felt crushing exhaustion .
16 However , few predict that the government will raise direct taxation : that would be to renege on the fundamental Thatcherite principle of reducing income tax .
17 Crudely expressed , the librarian 's aim must be to acquire for stock the materials which are likely to be most frequently used .
18 She was just thinking how easy he 'd be to fall in love with , and that she really must n't start cradle-snatching when he said , ‘ Perdita 's seriously good .
19 After the matinée , she had met him for tea , and he had held her hand , and looked soulful , and told her how innocent she was and how easy it would be to fall in love with her , but how he must n't , he could n't , because he would be leaving and it would n't be fair to her , and anyway , he had his career to think of , etc .
20 We all know how difficult it can be to arrange for a contractor to carry out repairs to our home .
21 It would probably be necessary meantime to adopt a tougher line with the rightists : ‘ The only safe alternative would be to arrange with the Soviet Union for mutual withdrawal of troops and let nature take its course which will eventually mean another Soviet satellite state in Korea . ’
22 The alternative might be to arrange with your bank manager to transfer these funds into a separate account in your sister 's name , er … before … while you are still , er … in a position to do so .
23 In general , our policy should be to proceed with building our state block by block , without waiting to be given a gift of it through negotiations .
24 In 1920 , considering ‘ the impotence of contemporary drama ’ , he had concluded that ‘ The natural evolution , for us , would be to proceed in the direction indicated by Browning ; to distil the dramatic essences , if we can , and infuse them into some other liquor . ’
25 The best thing seemed to be to agree with him .
26 One option would be to continue as an independent mutual .
27 His role will be to promote among local businesses the resources and facilities of the dealership .
28 The greater the return to shareholders the more attractive it will be to invest in the company and hence the higher the valuation of the company in the view of the Stock Exchange .
29 Our second should be to search for appropriate measures for comparison .
30 The aim of a programme to expand primary care would be to provide in the community services currently provided in hospitals where this is appropriate and cost effective .
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