Example sentences of "be [conj] we " in BNC.

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1 The solution to ‘ He was not really afraid of any landlady ’ might appear to be that we have here a masked first-person avowal , and that it is simply an indication of Dostoevsky 's boldness that it should be surrounded by authorial statements which are firmly outside and ( so to say ) on top of Raskolnikov in the classical omniscient third-person mode : for example , information about his poverty , irritable frame of mind , withdrawal from society , his ‘ not naturally timorous and abject ’ disposition .
2 The inevitable consequence , if that policy is practised too energetically , will be that we wo n't have any erudition left .
3 It might be that we could ensure that the shopping and household chores are done , or that the children are collected from school , thus alleviating the stress of trying to cope with everyday matters whilst trying to deal with extraordinary ones .
4 One reason why we find it so hard to understand the development of form may be that we do not make machines that develop : often , we understand biological phenomena only when we have invented machines with similar properties .
5 A B&Q spokesman said last night : ‘ Because our store was the closest to the viaduct it took the full force of the blast and it could well be that we are talking of a complete demolition .
6 One effect on the rest of us will be that we cause ourselves endless trouble by losing them .
7 Would your view now be that we should use the 18 January wording ?
8 It may be that we can only find true humility through humiliation .
9 There have been frequent and major set-backs ; and it may be that we are now on the threshold of a new era , in which , for the first time , leaders in society will make a conscious decision to allow the flood-waters in some areas to rise again .
10 It could be that we are fatally drawn to the mysterious : the water is that which we can not fathom , the unfathomable .
11 With our new spirit of centralization , both as an interim in the matter of teachers ' pay and conditions , and in that of the curriculum , and the more general removal of powers from Local Authorities , it may well be that we are imperceptibly going down the French road .
12 The other development officer predicted making considerable use of volunteers as well as paid carers : ‘ it may be that we have two types of carer , an informal unpaid visiting service , and then the regular paid carers ’ .
13 It may be that we secretly admire those who attempt to ‘ beat the system ’ , and that we sympathise with the underdog .
14 It may be that we are becoming a more ‘ criminal ’ nation as the increase in crime rates would suggest , but this can not just be assumed and it is important to be aware of other possible reasons for such an increase .
15 It may be that we need to offer love , support and encouragement rather than using anger to force a child into what we believe they should or should not do .
16 It may not be that we have become too sophisticated but that we are so confused we seek salvation even from out there .
17 It may be that we can learn from computers something of what we have been missing in the game ; or , that chess is so rich , that only a symbiosis between man and machine can explore it adequately .
18 It is reasonable to assume that ancient people were sensitive to the reality of these other levels of existence , living their lives accordingly , and it may be that we should look to this awareness as the origin of much folklore .
19 It could even be that we are moving into a hitherto unknown dimension with the next steps in IT .
20 It may be that we have upset someone and a rift exists .
21 It may be that we felt this time we ought to have voted Labour , that this was the more altruistic , moral , even noble , choice .
22 ‘ That is strict procedure but it may well be that we need to have another look .
23 In a letter to his congregation he said : ‘ It may be that we have no influence on those who plan and carry out murders in both parts of our community , but we can all help create a climate of opinion where they will be increasingly isolated and disowned . ’
24 If the immediate international situation is used as an excuse to get us to drop our opposition to the rearmament programme of the Government , the next phase must be that we must desist from any industrial or political action that may disturb national unity in face of fascist aggression .
25 A spokeswoman for Devon and Cornwall Police said today : ‘ It might be that we will be able to make further comments after the meeting . ’
26 At the moment , it does n't seem to be working and it may be that we can never return this owl to the wild — it certainly would n't survive as it is .
27 It may be that we could not have had the best of Connors without the worst of him . ’
28 The hypothesis appears to be that we have inherited from our animal ancestors the habit of discrimination , but have added an additional criterion , namely the conscious calculation of relatedness , to the criteria of propinquity , and perhaps physical and biochemical similarity , used by animals .
29 It may be that we need to experiment with permanence units , some of which will specialise in achieving permanence through the return to natural families , and others in achieving permanence by placement with new families , and also having units which combine the two functions .
30 Indeed at times it appears that she thinks that this liberation progresses from age to age ( though in correspondence she tells me that she thinks that the conclusion to history may well be that we annihilate ourselves ) .
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