Example sentences of "be [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There must be somewhere for us to meet in , ’ said Susan .
2 It was mentioned that there should be somewhere for guest and visitors to sit .
3 Well before Cordoba made his debut over today 's course two months ago , his name was being whispered behind many a well-respected hand as the one to be on for next year 's 2000 Guineas .
4 As I said to her we 've got two shelves of hardbacks in the alcove because I do think they furnish a room as the man said , but I would n't be on for lending them out because you do n't know the condition they 'd come back in .
5 Now the hunt must be on for tryp-killing drug molecules which will actually penetrate into the choroid epithelium .
6 For the patterns in the basic pack and the pattern libraries , the left hand light on the 580 and the EC1 ( or the right hand on earlier models ) must be on for the effect to be what the designer intended .
7 He knew that I had always stopped and got off if there was anything else on the road — and that was back in wartime remember — so he said that with the sort of traffic that 's on the road now I would never be on for getting off !
8 Yeah but just phone up and just be on for more , more than a minute , you know , would n't be so bad but you start hanging about .
9 I do n't think the monkeys will be on for much longer then , a few moments
10 The covenant must benefit the land and not be merely for the personal benefit of the person claiming the benefit of the covenant .
11 ‘ That 'll be all for now , Mr Brown .
13 I 'd be all for the change because there 's logic in it .
14 ‘ Thank you , Madame , that will be all for the moment , but , ’ he bent his head close to her ear as they moved towards the door , ‘ I would ask you to act as my eyes and ears when I am not present .
15 As Fielding led me back to our table I made a powerfully worded verbal pass at a salacious waitress , who appeared to be all for it but then came down with some deep sorrow in the kitchen , and when I burst through the double-doors to console her two men in sweat-grey T-shirts assured me there was nothing I could do for the poor child .
16 ‘ That 'll be all for the moment , ’ he said .
17 That will be all for today .
18 But then her voice softened as she whispered , ‘ Now you must rest , only rest , for there will be much for you to learn and we can not say how quickly or slowly time will pass . ’
19 Even if there might n't be much for him in these parts , be it without strife that little would have God 's blessing on it .
20 If the laboratory scientists were there already — and Lorrimer , the Senior Biologist , never missed a homicide if he could help it — then there might n't be much for him to do .
21 They may not be so for much longer .
22 The big industrial company , says Mr Chandler , has been the engine of economic growth for the past 100 years , and will continue to be so for the next 100 .
23 This may be so for the population of probationers generally but does not apply to the AEC sample .
24 England was now at war with Hitler 's Germany , and would be so for the next six years .
25 This process had already been invaluable to industry and proved to be so for penicillin .
26 Among the points it made was that the Revival was ‘ simply the fruit of dilettante and antiquarian study ’ , and ‘ if thirteenth century architecture was so perfectly adapted to the circumstances of the day ’ , it can not therefore be so for the nineteenth .
27 Many beehives have been destroyed by spray drift landing on the flowers from which bees collect pollen ; timber treated with the household chemicals lindane and dieldrin ( now banned from use ) is extremely toxic to bats and continues to be so for decades after treatment , and many bat colonies have been eliminated in this way .
28 The contrast illustrates that music moves on , the NME moves on , grudges do n't last forever , and I hope this may be so for at least another 40 years .
29 At any rate , it seems to be so for the Perks .
30 There is little systematic evidence of how people in other cultures get on with one another , but it should be noted that within a tribal community there may be such strong libidinal ties among the members that the interrelations among them appear peaceful , and may be so for quite long periods of time .
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