Example sentences of "with it to " in BNC.

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1 In ‘ The Hard and Soft in French Poetry ’ Pound confronts the issue very early , and deals with it to my mind conclusively .
2 If the wife can so easily dispose of this property , it may be that her husband will coax or bully her into parting with it to him or to his creditors , and so it allows her a privilege which no other grown-up person of sound mind in the country can enjoy .
3 Having reached the most distant onlookers , a young couple pushing up-and-down a baby in a pram , the girl drew tight the neck of the bag and strolled with it to the stage .
4 The house owner found it and ran with it to the boat . ’
5 I took the pen from the wheelbarrow and pointed with it to a pylon by the road , a hundred yards away .
6 To part with it to Nails would wrench painfully at his inner being ; something would die .
7 These it brings with it to its new life .
8 So I appreciate that struggle , and identify with it to a degree . ’
9 Black in turn , after substantially advancing the project , parted with it to Historic Aircraft Collection Ltd and continued to oversee the project management for the current owners .
10 Brown notes here that NT must interoperate with it to be taken seriously in the corporate community .
11 That it is here at all is an act of faith on the part of the Academy 's management , who were well aware of the political overtones the show carried in the States and has inevitably brought with it to London .
12 She then kneads it with her mandibles and front legs into a soft pellet about half the size of her head and flies off with it to her building site .
13 Visual information from neurons in these zones supplements that provided from the three semicircular canals and is distributed in parallel with it to the part of the brain that controls our balance , the cerebellum .
14 In the end I just came out with it to my mum , " I 'm having a baby and I 'm keeping it . "
15 I compared myself to a dog who has got hold of a large piece of meat , and runs away with it to a corner , where he may devour it in peace , without any fear of others taking it from him . ’
16 and in 1817 on the death of the grandfather Michael Dancer , Josiah returned to take charge of the family business , moving with it to Liverpool the following year .
17 They were all in positions of heads of department , consequently I got the feeling that the secondary modern staff who could cope with it to a certain extent , withdrew labour .
18 I saw Joseph by the back door , caught hold of the lamp he was carrying , and ran with it to the gate .
19 He carried her glass across to the mini-bar , re-filled it and walked back with it to the bed .
20 With a bit of luck he wo n't be able to bear to part with it to a publisher .
21 In the second year , most students in the department have the opportunity to learn Portuguese , if they wish , and continue with it to their final year .
22 Owen could hardly bear to look at her , so much was she at the mercy of the music , plunging with it into pits of despair , rising with it to heights of exaltation that were almost unbearable .
23 Of course , sometimes when that happens I mean the ego kind of gets carried away with it to some extent , but that 's all , you know that 's in the nature of the ego .
24 it was very clever , I watched the first couple because people who like Harry Enfield 's comic characters switched on , just to see what he was like and before you knew it you were twenty minutes into a half hour programme and you stuck with it to the end .
25 VAT is certainly not a glamorous subject and it is easy for those dealing with it to be cynical about it .
26 And yet it , I was quite happy with it to be honest
27 I ca n't see anything wrong with it to be honest .
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