Example sentences of "on just such " in BNC.

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1 ( In fact the share price rose 15p yesterday on just such hopes despite the fact that the results were much worse than expected ) .
2 It was there in order that people might have a picnic by a monument , on just such a day as this .
3 His blue eyes were gazing far away and his wife knew that he was thinking of that distant evening when he and Mrs Curdle had first met , on just such an April evening , many years ago .
4 DEC reckons it can come closer to a unified Unix than any other supplier , and recently as last month freely admitted that its whole strategy is dependent on just such a gameplan ( UX No 418 ) .
5 It was on just such a dais as this above the feudal retainers , he supposed , that the Saxon thanes would have sat down to trenchers of roasted wild duck and suckling pig .
6 This was more a psychological war of attrition than a physical threat , but it was on just such an occasion that we used what might be called our only " weapons " — a couple of pairs of plastic , luminous , blood-shot eyes which I had picked up in an American novelty store over Halloween .
7 The grief-stricken old man in blue of the St Rémy days sits head in hand on just such a shining chair by a fire with fragile flames .
8 I speak from embarrassed experience , having embarked under the nom-de-plume of Evelyn Hervey on just such a foolish enterprise , though I hope frenzied ingenuity will eventually wriggle me out of too much trouble .
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