Example sentences of "on her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There were stories too , in 1969 , about George Lazenby , who succeeded Sean Connery as James Bond for On Her Majesties Secret Service ( by far the best Bond movie ) .
2 And she does n't recognize it through the pat on her bottom ; she recognizes it in my tone .
3 An oily-pelted male with piercing green eyes reared up under her feet , knocking her sprawling on her bottom .
4 Even so , few companies have embraced it with the down-and-dirty relish of Converse — another spot features a girl getting the brand 's logo tatooed on her bottom .
5 Then , the lashings would follow ; the strap on her bottom ; the ruler over her palms ; the stinging slaps .
6 In Donovan a girl could not consent to the infliction of six or seven weals on her bottom .
7 ‘ It 's easy to tell Emma — 'cos she 's got a mole on her bottom ! ’
8 He patted her on her bottom .
9 While she would have preferred to manage alone , Ashley did not relish slip-sliding down the slope in an undignified arm-flailing fashion , nor on her bottom .
10 One wore a white dress with a yellow bow on her bottom .
11 She considered all this as she listened to the heated opinions forced upon her outside the shop ( where the throbbing engine of the Findus delivery van obliged everyone to shout ) , on the corner by the church and at two other points on her route back to Greystones .
12 There were problems about being the carrier of bills , final demands , and offensive advertising material , but as far as Caro knew Bryony overcame her scruples sufficiently to deliver all mail except for a succession of very obvious plain brown envelopes , which were frequently sent to one particular address on her route .
13 Spittals , like some demented bailiff , would soon be foreclosing on her debt .
14 The earth on her fingers spoke to her , spoke to her of sowing in tears and reaping with joy ; of dying and growing .
15 The earth on her fingers sung to her and she could hear the rhythm of the seasons , the wobbling journey of her planet through space , which gave the earth its sides and turns , and within that there were the smaller rhythms of her rake , of her tractor engine , of her trowel and of her brain .
16 She enumerated the points on her fingers .
17 She began some complicated reckoning on her fingers while Phoebe and Jess watched in mutual astonishment .
18 Five men maybe and that time … ’ she counted on her fingers , naming long remembered names , ‘ Three women .
19 She held out a thin hand covered with huge , glittering rings that were loose on her fingers and said , ‘ Come and sit here , pretty child .
20 Miss Brechin , on being asked about this , suddenly recalled how cold the stone was , and how she got chilblains on her fingers in winter .
21 Rings were being slipped on her fingers now .
22 She said , opening her eyes , Rings on her fingers , bells on her toes … ’ '
23 Raffaella described her injuries in indignant Italian , ticking each one off on her fingers , but Julia could understand only something about cracked ribs and something about her eyes .
24 ‘ Brian , Connie , Scarlet , Pam , Clarissa and Guy — I make that six , ’ said Scarlet , counting on her fingers with her eyes closed .
25 She counted them off on her fingers .
26 He picked up her hand and put it on his cock ; then placed his own hand over hers and made her squeeze ; it was hot , even under the rough material of his trousers , and rolled about clumsily over the squidgier sack of his balls ; but he was panting , making stirring motions with his knees against her legs , working with his free hand at his waistband , until he freed himself from his flies and had wrapped her hand around his naked cock ; he spat on his hand and worked the spittle onto the skin , and when he made her hold him again , she felt the wetness on her fingers , and drying fast as he pumped himself up and down over her hand , pinning her hand under his .
27 Cindy ticked them off on her fingers .
28 Affecting boredom , she ticked the points off on her fingers .
29 Her head fell forward to rest on her fingers .
30 You should have seen our tea : ham , salad , cheese , crackers , potatoes , hard-boiled eggs , bread-and-butter , trifle — all at once , mind you — cream cake , sherry , cups of tea — ’ She counted them all off on her fingers , smiling innocently as she spoke .
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