Example sentences of "on they [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Networks are merely an enabling technology , and the applications that run on them little more than means to an end : information .
2 And say I want Rice Crispies You pour the Rice Crispies no , no , Cornflakes I do n't want no sugar on them today .
3 The natives were treacherous people , as everyone knew , ungodly and faithless , and their early shows of friendship were nothing but a ruse to lull the pioneers into a false feeling of security , so that they could ensnare them in their false enchantments , pounce on them unawares and kill them while they slept .
4 From Sens , on 13 April , he pressed on eastwards by night through the Forest of Othe : he had heard that Gerald and the rest were there , and hoped to fall on them unawares .
5 A confidential Ministry of Information report , written in April 1968 , revealed that the two papers owed Sh.900,000/ — to the printers , who threatened to discontinue working on them altogether unless this amount were paid and an assurance received from the Treasury that printing costs for the rest of the financial year would be met .
6 That afternoon the demands of civilisation descended on them briefly , taking them to another house , to play with strange children .
7 I do n't think they like me much in that office but then , I 'm not keen on them either .
8 You ca n't burn stuff on them either , can you ?
9 The sun shone down on them hotly , and the warmth seemed to confuse her wits , befuddle her brain .
10 This , as argued here before , is the one question capable of splitting the Tory Party , at least to the extent of creating factions with a passionate attachment to their prejudices , and no great reluctance to insist on them even at the cost of deep party division .
11 What amazed me was the space — long stretches of beautiful beach with just a handful of people on them even on a Bank Holiday .
12 showed mercy on them even though they did not show mercy on him .
13 Timothy Gedge , with his hollow cheeks and his gawkiness , had picked on them even though he did n't know them , even though they 'd done him no harm .
14 The two slaves were hacking at his thighs now , and two more came forward , moving jerkily , so that Nuadu knew that the Robemaker was using the Stroicim Inchinn on them also .
15 Index of model letters useful as a prop and exercises based on them also encourage creativity in letter writing .
16 And they 've not got prices on them neither
17 Draw faces on them carefully with a biro .
18 but I mean you know they 're what what well there there is a sort file out there on them somewhere .
19 ’ And this from someone who firmly believed all cats had 666 tattooed on them somewhere under their fur !
20 Then he gave a furtive glance towards his companions before turning his back on them completely .
21 While child-proof devices are helpful , you ca n't rely on them completely .
22 ‘ Oh , yes , very , ’ she answered , eager to inform on a harmless , non-specific matter , to say the Danuese were really good people , and to look down on them jointly , since she already knew Herr Speich was an atheist .
23 so they 'll be , I , I put the perhaps start on them tomorrow then and get so you 'll get them back
24 You get on them slowly and they register one weight ; if you jump on them with gusto they register something quite different .
25 The door closed on them slowly ; they thinned into a long , faint strand of light and vanished , and everything was dark , dark for three days ; except that now there was no way of distinguishing night from day , and time , like hope and pleasure and companionship and all the human things it measured , had stopped .
26 Linda Duff of The Star says afterwards , ‘ I 've got a couple of stories on them anyway and , with another tabloid present , I was n't about to give them away … ‘
27 Dunan and twenty Hearthwares were out in the Circle to keep an eye on them anyway .
28 Despite their lack of understanding of these ideas , many pupils could perform the skill based on them reasonably well .
29 She advanced on them bravely rather than hopefully .
30 But the existence of these functions does not mean that the towns depended on them exclusively and it did not prevent them from acquiring others from the normal expected range .
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