Example sentences of "on it was " in BNC.

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1 From that time on it was easier to spot .
2 On it was a blanket-covered figure .
3 What put the top hat on it was , when we came back , Debbie sat on the sofa and cried ‘ Mum , I 'm so fed up of being amnesic ’ .
4 On it was a perfectly ordinary meal of beefburgers , mashed potato and peas , with a cup of tea and an apple .
5 Except that the face on it was black , it was pretty nearly the same as the one Mother Bombie had put up for Joy Prentice .
6 From early on it was clear there was little danger of the jollities turning into a wake .
7 He had made that mistake already , by accepting Vincente Minnelli 's offer and he knew , at the end of the day , it was not right ; that Sixties way of thinking that rejected anything that had the stamp of establishment on it was also his philosophy .
8 On it was written a short list which he read through quickly .
9 From No. v on it was an enormous success , and inaugurated monthly shilling numbers as a method of publishing new fiction .
10 The News International ban had some unusual characteristics as we have seen , but the ban and the judgment on it was a significant event in several further respects .
11 On it was one shoe with the buckle missing and a half filled chamber-pot .
12 On it was a jug of lemonade , five cups , a plate of ginger snaps and a bowl of nuts .
13 The silver cigar box on it was empty — the last £200 Corona taken by a mystery smoker before it could be sold .
14 It could be of interest , so taking a piece of cotton waste out of my pocket , I cleaned the accumulated filth off it , only to discover that on it was stamped ON-OFF .
15 On it was inscribed the same text in three different scripts — Egyptian hieroglyphic and demotic as well as , most importantly , Greek .
16 Where the fall hit the pool the water threshed as though boiling , but a few feet further on it was limpid , still , crystal-clear , hedged in by banks of ferns and tulip trees , and at the far end was the outlet where the water drained away to the sea .
17 On it was a solitary photograph in a silver-plated frame — of John Redburn as a young man ; he was wearing uniform and sported a narrow , black moustache .
18 On average the crews served a nine to twelve month operational tour , but as the emergency wore on it was not unusual to see operational aircrews flying on combat missions for two , or more , years .
19 The name on it was Jean-Jacques Bernard .
20 From that point on it was downhill all the way , fitting and fielding panels , gluing the assembly , treating with wood preservative , umpteen coats of wax polish .
21 Above the tomb there was a horse , and mounted on it was a Saracen knight who was trampling the tomb , over which his horse was urinating .
22 And none of the Sicilian tyrants before Agathokles ( end of the fourth century ; he was also the first Sicilian to call himself basileus , king ) put his own name on his coinage — contrast the HIΠ-issue of Hippias of Athens ( B. V. Head ( 1911 ) Historia numorum , Oxford , edn 2 , p. 377 ) , admittedly a coinage struck in exile at Sigeion , c.500 BC , but one which shows that the idea of a coin with an individual 's name on it was at least thinkable that early .
23 Erm well it it was on It was compressed onto three disks , so I guess it 's probably going to be about four meg .
24 On it was written :
25 Without any more information to go on it was impossible to revise my image of the way the world worked or had done all my life .
26 If it was flat on it was the same because he 's got to go right through to the sline before he could get anything you see ?
27 And the the moment that that sort of sole had worn off that the shoe repairer had put on it was n't allowed to go any further than that , it was taken off and another one put on .
28 His face was young , but the mileage showing on it was high .
29 On it was a bronze manikin with a grotesquely enormous erect phallus .
30 One of the biggest challenges was the fact that I had to work quite direct , once the colour was put on it was incredibly difficult to lift off completely and so I could afford to make very few mistakes .
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