Example sentences of "on [subord] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It was always better to know what was going on than to lie in bed with the door shut and wonder what was happening .
2 ‘ What better note to end it on than to win in a team situation and when you are playing for your country ?
3 Protesters are now seeking advice on whether to refer the decision to the European Court .
4 The former timetable will resume the day after a decision on whether to refer the offer is announced .
5 Meanwhile the debate on whether to replace mercury amalgam fillings continues — the American Dental Association has gone on record as saying that dentists who recommend replacing fillings may do so because of the often hefty fees they can charge for the work .
6 If users have little experience of using videocassette recorders or tape-slide equipment , a decision may have to be made on whether to ignore sources such as videocassettes or tape-slide sets which may be relevant to the database or to include such materials but ensure that help and guidance are available when the equipment is needed .
7 The Aussies use a points grading system to decide on whether to let you in .
8 A later edition ( 1653 ) included an appendix on whether to let blood in smallpox .
9 It has been a year of controversy for Brady as the club has still to decide on whether to move to a new home at Cambuslang or remain at Celtic Park .
10 The life president of Malawi , Kamuzu Banda , bowed to opposition pressure and said he would not insist on having two ballot boxes , one for yeses , one for noes , at next month 's referendum on whether to move to democracy .
11 The local Nalgo branch has called a general meeting for tomorrow when members will be balloted on whether to withdraw their labour .
12 Before taking a decision on whether to take a case to a Children 's Hearing , the Reporter has to consider the reports from all the appropriate agencies .
13 He adds that legal advice has indicated that there is a prima facie case against the auditors , but the decision on whether to take legal action will be made by a committee of two non-executive directors .
14 Now the AEEU will ballot on whether to take up the offer .
15 However , the workers were split on whether to take industrial action over the crisis , with production employees at Leyland in Lancashire rejecting a strike by 4-1 but shopfloor workers in Glasgow backing the move by more than 2-1 .
16 SHIPPING services in Orkney face the threat of disruption as crews of the Orkney Islands Shipping Company vote on whether to take strike action .
17 The Supreme Court in a nine votes to seven ruling in mid-July appointed Judge Adolfo Bañados to rule on whether to re-open the case of Orlando Letelier , an ambassador to the United States under the regime of Salvador Allende , who was murdered in Washington in 1976 [ see pp. 28273-74 ; 34989 ; 36097 ] .
18 No decision has been made on whether to renegotiate with EASE , sign up with one of the several other electronic systems now operating , or , like County Auctions , develop its own system .
19 With the larger events , however , the net has to be cast wider and an individual 's decision on whether to attend will undoubtedly be influenced by the convenience factor .
20 His decision on whether to release Gilmour will come next month .
21 The argument between reformers and conservatives since Mao 's death has been focused on whether to open the window to the outside world or insert an ‘ iron mesh ’ to prevent the intrusion of ‘ dirty flies ’ .
22 The near feature of the Framework is that the decision on whether to devolve responsibility ( or not ) will be based on the outcome of a Quality Audit .
23 That will be a factor that the House will be able to have in its mind when it decides on whether to enterstage 3 .
24 A decision will be taken shortly on whether to invest in a more advanced E-mail package and , if so , which one .
25 All agreed that the tactical decision on whether to go east or west at Cape Finisterre had been the key to success .
26 He has an option to complete the deal before November 30 , but a decision on whether to go ahead could be made next week .
27 ICI says a final decision on whether to go ahead with the demerger will be made in February ( when the full-year results for 1992 are announced ) in the light of market conditions .
28 A drink was pressed into his hand , a chair held back and he found himself seated opposite Cornelius by the window , for all the world like some sixth-former seeking advice on whether to go for Oxbridge or the Guards .
29 Parliament adjourned on March 7 until March 11 , with President Ramaswamy Venkataraman , having accepted Shekhar 's resignation , nevertheless delaying his decision on whether to call elections .
30 Would ‘ the authorising or endorsing of industrial action ’ extend to failing to hold a ballot on whether to call off industrial action , if the rules required this ? s9
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