Example sentences of "on [art] people " in BNC.

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1 Further , the Leader herself has spent many toiling hours of late calling on the peoples of Eastern Europe to hold elections and thereby demonstrate their attachment to the fundamentals of democracy .
2 Further , the Leader herself has spent many toiling hours of late calling on the peoples of Eastern Europe to hold elections and thereby demonstrate their attachment to the fundamentals of democracy .
3 There follow accounts not only of the four voyages of Christopher Columbus but of the life of Cortez and conquest of Mexico , followed by specialised essays on the peoples and art of Mexico , Central America , Peru and Amazonia , with particular emphasis on the art of the island of Marajo at the mouth of the Amazon , in which the Barbier-Mueller Museum holdings are particularly rich .
4 CBHPs aim to help build self-reliant communities in health , defining a truly self-reliant community as one that is ‘ built on the peoples ’ capacity to take care of themselves by tapping and developing local and external human and material resources ’ .
5 None of this meant that war was a rare or unimportant phenomenon in the eighteenth century or that the demands which it made on the peoples of Europe were negligible .
6 Three centuries of colonialism were then imposed on the peoples seized from Africa to work on its plantations .
7 We are worried about the extent to which Saddam Hussein is still able to inflict hardship and persecution on the peoples of Iraq , both the Kurds in the north and the Shias in the south .
8 Elsewhere he refers to a treaty imposed by the king on the peoples who lived on the river Wahal , that is the Franks .
9 Dummies can come to life in books , as it seems they can do for their masters on the stage : and this miracle depends , not only on the author , but also on the people he knows , who may indeed be thought to participate in what he is , and who are likely to participate in his ventriloquism .
10 For one thing , the criticism could easily rebound on the people who run these places , when in most cases they know how bad things are themselves but they ca n't do much about it .
11 Martin Lee , an outspoken campaigner for democracy in Hong Kong before it is handed over , said : ‘ China has declared war on the people of Hong Kong .
12 If I look back on the people who have led me very well in the past , it was those who were able to create and sustain just such a sense of challenge .
13 But in the prayers , although she knelt and bowed her head , her attention was on the people in the church .
14 Mr Kinnock could not go on ‘ inflicting his anger on the people of Hong Kong ’ .
15 Mr David Howell ( C. Guildford ) , the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee , who opened the debate , said it had been a choice between the lesser evil of repatriation and the greater evil of doing nothing , which might inflict more cruelty , suffering and inhumane conditions on the people in the camps .
16 But they also brought reports of strong , fortified cities , and inhabitants as big as giants , and these , as chapter 14 now makes clear , make more impact on the people than the assurances of fertility .
17 It is less demanding on the people involved and offers less chance of something going drastically wrong .
18 ‘ The Yugoslav Army has never fired on the people , ’ Col Budimir Mladenovic said when confronted by an angry Muslim villager who held in his hands the remains of an Army issue mortar shell .
19 All the windows were broken and came in and landed on the people working . ’
20 Track back on the people involved , parents , teachers and pupils to get the feel of any frustration or dissatisfaction .
21 They type of support offered depends very much on the people involved but the supporter is often a listen ear who may also be able to give some practical help with the new baby .
22 The type of support offered depends very much on the people involved but the supporter is often a listening ear who may also be able to give some practical help with the new baby .
23 Ivan Cooper called on the people of Derry to fight for their rights , ‘ as the Blacks in America were fighting ’ .
24 A £350 Rottweiler pup sold to a family who already have to rely on the People 's Dispensary for Sick Animals for treatment on the Great Dane some other twit sold them , because they ca n't afford the vet 's fees ?
25 That reflects on the people . ’
26 ‘ One can have a great concern for the people of Ethiopia , bit it 's another thing to inflict daily torture on the people of England .
27 This has placed an excessive burden on industry , and on the people of the country as a whole , and has also overloaded the government machine itself .
28 I see them in the village day after day , standin' outside the public houses with their hands in their pockets , passin' remarks on the people passing by . ’
29 Then we would have to go on the run , move from place to place , rely on the people to feed and shelter us .
30 In a matter of a few days it seemed , I was crying unashamedly with other City Temple folk at a prayer service arranged by Dr Weatherhead to ask God 's mercy on the people of Czechoslovakia .
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