Example sentences of "on [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He was sent to be , commanded to be , the first completely human being , the first to be wholly at one with the human race , to be , therefore , wholly at risk from us , to be the victim , the scapegoat on whom we could project our guilt and our fear of being human , of being loved .
2 Our scope is also even further limited by the set of authors on whom we have chosen to concentrate .
3 This brings as its corollary the awareness of the one on whom we depend .
4 As children , we all need a significant adult on whom we can truly depend : in our culture , for both boys and girls , that person is likely to be a woman , usually the mother .
5 It is extremely gratifying to know that we will have a knowledgeable and committed environmentalist in the House of Lords on whom we can rely for help whenever the need arises .
6 As the reduction in the strength of the Royal Air Force in terms of air frames proceeds , there will be a number of crews on whom we can call should it be necessary to reactivate those aircraft .
7 It is unhelpful if Ministers or others speaking on the right hon. Gentleman 's behalf suggest that internment will not be used or that it is not a viable and justifiable means of dealing with those whose training and speciality is keeping themselves out of the courts and out of the hands of those on whom we depend to impose justice for the deaths that have occurred in Northern Ireland .
8 There are 500,000 nurses in Britain today on whom we depend for our good health at home , in hospital and at work .
9 We miss her presence at head office — both as a character and a colleague on whom we could rely 100 per cent .
10 A panel of subscribers on whom we tested a dummy issue was torn between fondness for the old style and revolutionary zeal , the revolutionaries being in a clear majority .
11 Treading the water , not knowing on whom we feed .
12 Those too have been doubled and we are we trust them to appoint the magistrates upon whom we praise such responsibility and on whom we shall have such great praise .
13 Inevitably , however , they took over many factual and theoretical shortcomings from the anthropologists on whom they relied and most of the problems we have seen in their work they inherited from their sources .
14 This latter group of people will inevitably form the great majority , and it is mainly they who will provide the justification for the establishment of a clergy for the ‘ Alternative Religion ’ , and it is they who will prefer to put their faith in carefully chosen leaders , possibly elected from among the others , and on whom they can call for guidance .
15 Fief-rentes provided kings with a pool of mercenaries on whom they could call without having to compete in the open market with other war-lords .
16 However , the bishops ( both heterosexual and gay ) were not keen on being forced to harass priests , deacons and layworkers whom they liked and respected , and on whom they relied .
17 My rather innocent trust crumbled when I realized that as far as the police were concerned , I was little better than a criminal on whom they must keep tabs .
18 Certainly , as I will argue later , ’ sport and show business constitute the two spheres in which blacks have made immense contributions and which seem to throw up figures with whom black kids tend to identify and on whom they model themselves .
19 As well as having to adapt to major changes in their status , environment , lifestyle and relationships , Elizabeth and Helen have to cope with the adjustments made by the people on whom they depend .
20 Though almost certainly untrue , the tale succinctly illustrates the prevailing princely ambivalence : they distanced themselves from the servants on whom they relied .
21 Mock solemnity of this kind may seem rather tiresome , just as practical jokes are often not funny to those on whom they are played ( they may often appear to be lightly camouflaged forms of aggression ) , but such jokes were characteristic of the society in which he now moved : it is difficult to imagine him playing tricks on Pound or Lewis , for example .
22 Jade accessories featured in rituals designed to ensure good relations between emperors and the celestial powers on whom they depended to ensure the continued mandate of heaven .
23 From there they were accustomed to having something like a bird's-eye view , seeing their husbands and the other male members of their families not as the tall figures they were familiar with and on whom they relied but as the busy little children they often privately felt them to be .
24 Hosea has to recall them to Yahweh , their first love , when they have gone and committed adultery , like Hosea 's own wife , with some other ‘ Lord ’ on whom they have lavished their worship and devotion .
25 Parasitic flies are one of the hazards of the male cricket 's sex-life ; they are attracted to calling males , on whom they lay their eggs .
26 This may not matter too much if they have professional advisers on whom they could rely .
27 The council had done its best , formulating a writ to all sheriffs to issue proclamations forbidding the spreading of lying rumours that Richard was alive , and committing to prison all culprits on whom they could lay hands .
28 How can nuclear weapons possibly be used except to destroy many lives — the lives of those on whom they are targeted and of those who fired the weapons in the first place ?
29 How individuals view themselves depends in part on whom they compare themselves with .
30 The slave-owning aristocracy of the Southern United States , the estancieros of Argentina , the great wool-ranchers of Australia , were as enthusiastically devoted to free trade and foreign enterprise as the British , on whom they depended , since their incomes depended exclusively on the free sale of the produce of their estates , in return for which they were more than ready to accept any non-agricultural products which their customers exported .
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