Example sentences of "be on the " in BNC.

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1 Of the British playwrights , Pinter is often thought to be on the edges of ‘ absurdism ’ and you could also read N.F. Simpson 's One Way Pendulum and Cresta Run .
2 Once you have left drama school your attention will be on the immediate problems of survival and making progress with your work .
3 Boys and girls should not be on the road after dark .
4 ‘ OK , we 'll make it half-eight just to be on the safe side . ’
5 However , to be on the safe side , it is better to take cuttings in August to overwinter under glass .
6 The pilot 's left hand should be on the airbrake lever during any climb in cloud , ready to pull and open the airbrakes if the speed increases by more than 15 knots or so above normal .
7 In most cases when it really matters , the glider will already be on the final approach with full airbrake when it becomes apparent that an overshoot is likely .
8 No planks for the flooring yet , and if it is raining we can not be on the roof .
9 If they had said this about the Paris workmen , Louis would still be on the throne …
10 And we are discovering that we are not interested in exploring the finer points of alienation with tea cuppery , but that the theatre can be a bridge of bone between sickness and health — that our language will somehow always be on the edge of poetry and that image and metaphor are our natural tools — they best express whole worlds and histories in collision with each other .
11 You should always be on the lookout for the markings which can be transformed to suit your own ends .
12 Built in 1903 it has bronze and marble panels in an Art Nouveau style depicting the friars from the monastery that used to be on the site .
13 With the economy predicted to be on the upturn it is perhaps the right time for Allied to invest in the Firkin chain and cash in early on the next consumer boom .
14 We bought one ( a mistake , we should have got two ) to supplement an old ladle-handle type of thing dug out from my past , and a hammer and a few pegs to be on the safe side .
15 And with these words he points towards an icon of the Saviour before which he has lighted a lamp — ‘ to be on the safe side , ’ Peter suggests .
16 Mr Hopps later mentioned to the Cypriots that the Kanakaria mosaics might be on the market .
17 As Senna raced towards the victory he needed in Spain on Sunday , James Hunt , a driver familiar with the pressures of a late challenge for the championship , was saying Senna had no right to be on the track at all .
18 Allied-Lyons was also said to be on the Goldsmith hit list .
19 However , the Lions believe British Isles rugby to be on the way up after their win in Australia and at least feel they have something to prove .
20 Amstrad was a weak market , falling 3.5p to 62.5p on worries that even more profit downgradings could be on the way .
21 Our concentration has got to be on the teaching and on the stretching of children .
22 Sotheby 's have estimated its value at $10m-$14m , but this may be on the low side to ensure a sale .
23 The subject is expected to be on the agenda when the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board , Alan Greenspan , becomes the first US central bank chief to visit Moscow this weekend .
24 Fed up with the snail-like pace , the market yesterday began to entertain the possibility that the group itself may now be on the block .
25 If the final hurdle of this party congress is cleared , Hungary will be on the threshold of multi-party democracy .
26 On paper , however , the vessels would be on the order of the United States , enabling Israel to receive American financing and circumventing West German export restrictions .
27 You did n't have to be a client or a famous face to be on the receiving end .
28 If the product is approved , genetically engineered tomatoes could be on the supermarket shelves by 1993 .
29 With Ferranti needing to raise a minimum of £150m in new equity , the issue would have to be on the basis of one for two .
30 Southeastern Asset Management , a US group , was said to be on the verge of selling on its 10 per cent stake .
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