Example sentences of "be like the " in BNC.

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1 Such groups were said to be like the foreigners in the adjacent forces , for it was constantly repeated that many wanted to join us but failed because of some inadequacy .
2 In the car , leaning her head on his consenting but exasperated shoulder , she said , ‘ We do n't have to be like the rest of the people round here .
3 Or would it be like the British poll tax , with rich and poor paying the same subject to a complicated system of rebates ?
4 Would it , he was thinking , be like the ending of Forster 's as yet unpublished Maurice , a somewhat tame homo novel of which he was to say , commenting on the male lovers setting up house at the end , ‘ I give it three weeks ? ’
5 Is the goal of an overweight person to be like the picture of a slim person such as we have just described ?
6 I imagine it to be like the worst kind of monthly cramp and the most fierce of labour pains but perhaps it is even worse .
7 It would be like the attempt to look directly at the sun that dazzles and finally blinds rather than enlightens .
8 We could be like the Japanese without the technology .
9 And then the lights all came on , and it would be like the hardest-to-bear dawn ever .
10 Liberty , that is , to be like the bus boy from Ohio , liberty to realise any dream , be it at the expense of others , which , in this land-of-the-free , it inevitably has to be .
11 Would she be like the Misses Cardings , the three spinster ladies who kept the hat shop beyond the tobacconist 's ?
12 If I had ever thought of the possibility of being taken prisoner while I was in England , I should have expected all Germans to be like the officer who had tried to interrogate me at the aerodrome or the two soldiers who had brought me from the aerodrome to Amsterdam .
13 It would be like the denizens of Magdalen Bridge claiming they drank VP sherry rather than Tio Pepe because they preferred the taste .
14 Even a kiss can be like the sharp end of a wedge which has the power to pierce our body chemistry , split open our emotional equilibrium and lead desires towards the bedroom far too prematurely .
15 Normally , the pool would be like the proverbial dry gin — thanks to a device known as the ‘ Eradicator ’ .
16 When Charley dies it will be like the end of an object or the closing of a book or the last date of an epoch .
17 ‘ In this sense it could be like the Sainsbury campaign , which is basically about celebrities teaching people how to cook . ’
18 Consequently , enterprises are seen to be like the machines they contain and people have to relate to them accordingly .
19 Those emigrés who have settled in Western society have found that their diaspora churches can not be like the great populist and establishment churches of Russia and Greece ; they have to survive as nonconformist ‘ sects ’ .
20 It would be like the elves to know a Saviour would come to men , without having the slightest or remotest idea of the mingled horror and beauty with which that event would come about .
21 If the world was a bathtub , the progress of the Ship through it would be like the soap , shooting backwards and forwards and never being where anyone was expecting it to be .
22 The wonderful vision arose of a publication which would be like the minutes of a gigantic nationwide meeting .
23 And there was no reason why NoS could not be like the Sun and still talk to the left .
24 One imagines , probably quite wrongly , that the moon must be like the wilder areas of Sutherland .
25 Continued economic expansion and the widespread belief that Keynesian economic techniques provided governments with an effective tool for managing the economy had engendered the belief that the future would be like the present , but better , that economic growth would simply continue into the indefinite future , bringing more and greater benefits to all segments of society .
26 A large bird , it comes between sooty shearwater and giant petrel in size , and is called the ‘ shoemaker ’ from its repetitive call , said to be like the tapping of a cobbler 's hammer .
27 This is done here , partly directly , as in the injunction to be like the serpent , and partly indirectly , in her perversion of such words as ‘ milk ’ or ‘ nature ’ , Her parting injunction to him is to ‘ look up clear ’ ( 71 ) , ‘ clear ’ meaning ‘ innocent , spotless ’ : the stress must fall on the verb , ‘ look ’ or ‘ seem , .
28 Kwoth is the creator and mover of all living things , vaguely associated with the sky and sometimes said to be like the wind .
29 women are not sexy skinny women are not sexy , really skinny women we have to be like the Madonna type woman and I think that the , the , its about money and its about co , its about the consumer and about money and about making money from an image that somebody somewhere has seen as the normal perfect woman and the norm can be any thing it could be whatever you want it to be .
30 Morley had the concept ; in Paul Rutherford 's words , ‘ Morley had his strategy all worked out , he wanted it to be like the Sex Pistols — all the outrage , controversy — but this time with all the sex ’ , and it was rumoured that he was first interested in Bronski Beat for the Frankie role — they turned him down .
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