Example sentences of "be make more " in BNC.

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1 In particular , licensing magistrates and fire and health authorities should be made more aware of the character and needs of historic buildings .
2 In many ways these reflexive moments are invaluable in helping to explain the specificities of what Evans-Pritchard ( 1951 ) suggested we might consider as an ‘ anthropological history ’ , especially as these alternative periods and the movement through the liminal phase create points in a social process when aspects of structure seem to be made more clearly apparent to the analyst .
3 The exercise can be made more difficult by placing a weight across the thighs .
4 From this analysis it can then try to identify ways in which marketing expenditure can be made more effective in each country .
5 Closed-shop arrangements would be made more difficult and secondary picketing outlawed , to avoid the kind of violence that had disfigured the Grunwick dispute .
6 We have campaigned for better rural transport , and for unleaded petrol and catalytic converters to be made more widely available .
7 The earlier text thus revealed can be made more legible by a program that enhances the contrast , picking out the Gothic letters from the surrounding gloom .
8 It can be made more complicated by trying to value the choices that managers could make to affect their future cash flows , such as closing a factory , and the choices that are contingent on other choices .
9 Classical dance , she feels , needs to be made more accessible .
10 Canes can be made more secure by fastening to a horizontal wire .
11 Assumptions and expectations which lie behind an inter-agency approach require to be made more explicit in order that agencies , and individuals within agencies , are absolutely clear about where they stand , not only in relation to the paramount concern of protecting the child , but also in relation to each other .
12 The time consuming nature of searching through a mass of information for one factor is the main drawback of this approach , although the process can now be made more efficient by the use of electronic databases .
13 At the same time , we are concerned that police investigations should not be made more difficult by the misuse of certain rights .
14 If implemented , the Fourth Directive would force annual accounts to be made more public and the crucial Fifth Directive would end the abuse of special voting rights and outlaw existing or potential technical barriers .
15 The situation will be made more dangerous if the EC cuts itself off from the new North American Free Trade Area .
16 The seasons can not be made more gentle , yet it remains possible to assert the dignity of people who have to bear their harshness .
17 The Committee concluded that the ‘ case law is probably sufficient to inhibit litigation by parents opposed to particular actions , such as authority to impose sanctions was insufficiently explicit and should be made more definitive ( see below ) .
18 Subject matter has to be made more generally intelligible if it is to be seen no longer as self-contained but as part of a wide and complex body of knowledge .
19 However , such boards are difficult to turn and in large waves can nosedive , so for a more manoeuvrable design the rocker line would be made more curved .
20 Appraisal interviews can be made more effective if you stick to some well tried ground rules .
21 And between these extremes there is a range of attitudes including the position of those who can accept whaling in principle if it can be made more humane in practice .
22 The basis of the McClellan system is the subdivision of the bookstock — for selection and revision purposes — into categories of manageable size , within which both logistic and bibliographical decisions can be made more easily .
23 Together they would like to investigate how the CAB service can be made more accessible to deaf people .
24 Although they have always had responsibility for trainees , this is to be made more formal within the framework of the basic training common core .
25 Data batches can be made more symmetrical .
26 The shape of data batches can be made more Gaussian .
27 And Sadler knew that he would strike a responsive note with his claim that the voluntary evening classes were ‘ wasteful of human material which might by timely care be made more serviceable to the State ’ .
28 However , if economic evaluation were used more frequently in choosing between treatment technologies such ‘ trade-offs ’ between cost and quality would be made more explicit .
29 By placing responsibility for costs in the hands of clinicians , expenditure control can be made more sensitive to the clinical priorities .
30 With the reforms underway in terms of local financial management such connections might be made more easily .
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