Example sentences of "be a time " in BNC.

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1 There has to be a time , wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , laying down the pen , began to type again , there has to be a time when excuses are no longer necessary , will never again be necessary , there has to be such a time in everybody 's life , when too soon and too late no longer mean anything , a time , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , when one starts because one starts and for no other reason .
2 There has to be a time , wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , laying down the pen , began to type again , there has to be a time when excuses are no longer necessary , will never again be necessary , there has to be such a time in everybody 's life , when too soon and too late no longer mean anything , a time , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , when one starts because one starts and for no other reason .
3 Retirement is a time of great change and should also be a time for development .
4 Next year will certainly be a time for married women although their husbands will also be able to benefit from the personal tax changes which come into force on April 6 .
5 But not all economists think late 1991 and early 1992 will be a time of milk and honey .
6 ‘ It 's boring being trapped in your body , is n't it , when you can be a time traveller ? ’
7 It can be a time when a sensitive friend can make sure the bereaved person is especially thought of , so that they are not alone if they find it hard to be by themselves on those days .
8 In a country where infant mortality is low , it is expected that children will live into adulthood and outlive their parents , so that there will not be a time when it seems likely that a child will die before their parents .
9 Play times can be a time for reducing stress and keeping trouble out of school .
10 In fact , the next two or three days may well be a time of harsh words and even harsher realities , particularly on the work front .
11 Many religions encourage the idea that our current condition is temporary , and that old age should be a time of looking towards our place in the next life which is more important .
12 It is important to remember that whatever type of subsequent care is to occur , the period after discharge may be a time of particular difficulty .
13 There may be a time lapse between teaching and practical experience , so that recall may be impaired .
14 Adolescence will be a time for facing new situations and some burning issues about the need for independence , employment and ‘ dating ’ .
15 There must be a time and place for everything .
16 For some families breakfast can be a time when they are on a very short fuse and tensions abound , so if you can persuade her to have hers on a tray in bed , many problems may be avoided .
17 It will be a time for you to use all the imagination of which you are capable , to try to think how you would be feeling if you were in her shoes , and to handle her fragile emotions very gently .
18 There will be a time provision for the sell-off of current stock and for the headstock modification of certain G&L instruments . ’
19 We do n't even have sex on holiday , when from what some of my friends with young children say , that seems to be a time when they catch up .
20 Christmas looks to be a time for burying the hatchet or exhuming it for re-examination .
21 But however bad a year it has been , Christmas should always be a time of hope and happiness .
22 1993 could well be a time when you can no longer put up with frustrating dead-ends .
23 This coming of the Kingdom will be a time of separation ( Matt.
24 It will also be a time of rejoicing and feasting in the Messianic banquet ( Matt.
25 ‘ He 's not a bad man , ’ the girl said , and there was a slight tremble in her voice ; she knew that things had gone wrong for her father , and that there would soon be a time of parting .
26 Many Christians believe that there will be a time in the future when Jesus , as Son of Man , will return .
27 For Alex , who cuddled his blood-stained mother , it will be a time of presents and smiles .
28 For his father Andre Hanscombe — whose love for his son has kept him going amidst the grief — it will be a time calling on all his reserves of courage .
29 PRINCESS Margaret will celebrate her 62nd birthday today — but it will not be a time for partying .
30 I believe that there was never a time when you did n't exist and will never be a time when you cease to exist .
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