Example sentences of "be as much " in BNC.

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1 The daisies can be as much as 5 or 6in across and are carried in terminal branched heads , a truly remarkable sight .
2 Many reckon the enormous cost , estimated to be as much as £10 billion , is too great for most of the players in the current economic climate .
3 City analysts are forecasting that its contribution could be as much as £80m for the full year .
4 ‘ I may not be as much with my family as I should be , but at least I am at home , ’ he reasons .
5 The studies from Nigeria suggest that this failure may be as much to do with the character and personality traits of the generation of entrepreneurs who developed their businesses in the 1960s .
6 The price per night in one of the best can be as much as £35 ; but it could be less than £25 .
7 The gloomiest analysts ' estimates suggest that the eventual bill could be as much as $100billion higher .
8 The Siam Rath Weekly , a Thai-language magazine , claimed that junior police officers in the division could make 50,000–60,000 baht ( $2,000–2,400 ) extra a month from these sources ; for senior officers , it could be as much as 5m baht a month .
9 Because Nonconformists had done so well out of the changes brought about in the nineteenth century it is not surprising that increasing numbers assumed the inevitability of liberal progress to be as much part of the natural order as the law of gravity .
10 James Capel 's Brian Waterhouse reckons problem property loans could be as much as £68 billion , 4 per cent of all bank lending .
11 We should have gone there this coming Saturday , but may be as much as a week late .
12 The incubation period is not accurately known , but may be as much as two months .
13 Initially , it may be as much as he can manage to co-operate in changing his pyjamas , a relatively simple task with proper guidance .
14 Some are undoubtedly produced when ropy strands or shreds of sticky lava are flung up out of the vent , twisting and turning slightly in the air before falling back to earth ; these are known as rope or ribbon bombs , and they may be as much as one metre long .
15 Moreover , at least since the nineteenth century there has been a spillover into the State schools of the ethos of the independent boarding schools , the purpose of which was understood to be as much moral as academic , with character-training high on the agenda .
16 The turbulent wind behind a sail extends about five boards length downwind and if you are sailing in this area your speed can be as much as halved .
17 A survey by NCC has revealed clearly that all of the woodland could regenerate itself naturally if sheep grazing was prevented or substantially reduced ; the cost of fencing for this purpose can be as much as £3,500-£8,000 for a 20 hectare wood depending on its shape and the terrain encountered , making the costs often prohibitive .
18 For it is the will of our courteous Lord that we should be as much at home with him as heart may think or soul desire . ’
19 And yet the process for fixing expenditure allocations seems to be as much of a shambles as ever it was when you and Mr Heath were so concerned about it in the late 1960s .
20 Log paper comes in several numbers of cycles ; the specimen in figure 11.6 contains three cycles , allowing the highest number to be as much as 10 3 or 1000 times as high as the smallest ; four cycle paper would allow it to be as much as 10 4 or 10,000 times as high .
21 Log paper comes in several numbers of cycles ; the specimen in figure 11.6 contains three cycles , allowing the highest number to be as much as 10 3 or 1000 times as high as the smallest ; four cycle paper would allow it to be as much as 10 4 or 10,000 times as high .
22 The price of a full season ticket was going to be as much as a term 's school fees , and when I saw my father 's horrified face , I said , ‘ I can cycle . ’
23 The pre-pilot open interviews will be conducted with a small sub-sample of the population concerned and will , in the earliest stages , be as much hypothesis-seeking as anything else .
24 As many clinicians will point out , utilisation review at its best should be as much about good clinical practice ( ie clinical efficiency ) as about cost containment .
25 We think , therefore , that it is absolutely necessary in order to carry on the Business of this Establishment , as perfectly as possible , that two such Characters should be appointed — and we , in consequence suggest , that altho ’ each be as much as possible qualified in both Departments , yet if one were to devote himself to one Branch and the other to the other branch — the College would be much more usefully directed — for , if one Professor were fully qualified for both — yet so arduous a task could not possibly be executed by one Man only .
26 The lump sum paid on your death in service can be as much as four times your earnings , and is usually paid at the discretion of the scheme trustees .
27 The amount of tar may be as much as 40 per cent of the weight of the original feedstock .
28 A child who cries is undoubtedly afraid , but a child who looks away may be as much indifferent as wary .
29 The core , which may be as much as 25 cm in diameter , can later be analysed chemically .
30 The X100 will be as much as 610mm shorter than the 4724mm ( 15ft 6ins ) XJS , not least because the 1220mm rear overhang will be halved .
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