Example sentences of "with [Wh det] they " in BNC.

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1 But the new two-axle units were actually responsible for part of the upsurge in traffic on their routes and were certainly no worse than the buses with which they were successfully competing .
2 There is , I have found , some gentle entertainment to be had in discussion with publishers ' representatives , observing the wide-eyed eagerness with which they greet potentially saleable ideas , and their clenched , wary , glazed-eyes response to proposals they feel negative about , or perhaps do not understand .
3 Compare him with Hawthorne , Henry James , E.A. Robinson and Edith Wharton : all these writers have their Waste Land , which is the aesthetic and emotional waste land of the Puritan character and their chief force lies in the intensity with which they communicate emotions of deprivation and chagrin .
4 Just imagine the abuse with which they would be showered by people who would tell them : ‘ Since it is easily possible for the economy to grow at 4 , 5 , 6 per cent or any other figure you like , the public are being cheated of the growth of public expenditure which they have a right to enjoy by this niggardly Government which is only counting on being able safely to increase public expenditure at a rate of 2 to 2and1/2 ; per cent . ’
5 With which they entangle the poor spirits of fools .
6 Where had they all gone , those extraordinary skinny left-wing men , who had bullied their girl-friends into the Women 's Movement and been surprised when the hand with which they had so kindly offered freedom had been bitten so damn hard ?
7 The concessions and trade-offs which have come to form the main content of Zambian politics have proved fatally debilitating , even though the skill with which they have been orchestrated by President Kenneth Kaunda ( KK ) has ensured that Zambia is one of the least oppressive societies in Africa .
8 They mostly excel in their industry — the skill with which they irrigate their terraced hillsides with tiny runnels of water shows a considerable advancement in agriculture .
9 First , many of the materials with which they work , such as scrap metal , textile waste , and timber , are recycled , often illicitly , from large scale industry .
10 Furthermore , Morgan was interested in the patterns which kinship terms create , not just for themselves , but because he believed they reflected the system of marriage with which they had originally been used .
11 They were not simply transcriptions of the power of the conquerors and the coercive force with which they attempted to annihilate the existing culture and beliefs of the Indians and impose Christianity .
12 Their self-image was that of the chosen few for whom the spectacle provided an inexhaustible supply of objects ( and people ) to hate , and whilst the apparent ease with which they targeted and disposed of their opposition often made good copy ( the endless adventure , the scandal , etc. ) , there is a sense in which the hectoring tone of their documents became repetitive and wearisome .
13 Moreover , the freedom with which they juxtapose theory and humour , and plagiarise for artistic effect suggests strong affinity with the postmodern .
14 The Alliance united the traditional communities of Amazonia ( Indians , rubber-tappers , Brazil nut gatherers , fishermen ) in a crusade to save the great forest with which they had lived in harmony for generations .
15 They are too busy campaigning on issues like equal pay , childcare , child benefit , violence against women , homelessness , carers , the representation of women in Parliament and public life , rights for part-time workers and the myriad other urgent issues with which they are confronted each and every day .
16 The mineral traces in unrefined salt can sometimes affect the foods with which they are used .
17 With a great part of the matters with which they dealt we have not much concern .
18 He told me he sometimes hated his face , hated his body because of the ease with which they helped him to dominate others .
19 Death , with which they lived so intimately , could not be detached from their lives as an object of contemplation .
20 And they promote their fashions at a rate with which they feel comfortable : via ingenious ‘ clothing parties ’ .
21 In such conditions as prevailed in the last phase of the Weimar Republic , of the total discrediting of a State system based upon pluralist politics , the ‘ functional ’ leadership of the bureaucrat and the Party politician as the representatives of the impersonal ‘ rational-legal ’ form of political domination , imposing laws and carrying out functions for which they are not personally responsible and with which they are not identifiable , lost credibility .
22 He once told Earl delightedly that he had spotted Abrams at an airport but Abrams ( perceptiveness not his strong suit ) had not spotted him , and that ‘ his tradecraft of observing was better than Elliott 's ’ Secret agents carried gadgets with which they could speak to headquarters from the most unlikely places ; once , at a party , North was said to have produced a scrambler-telephone from his briefcase , together with a half-eaten sandwich , and to have gone out into the garden to dial the house .
23 Indeed , given the high claims monarchs made for themselves , and the excesses of adoration with which they were treated — and by the time of Mary Queen of Scots , this had reached a very high level indeed — we may wonder that so many of them retained any sense of balance at all .
24 My grandfather would tell how he and some village musicians persuaded a local sympathiser to part with a lorry with which they toured round Scotland to raise money for the village .
25 What is doubtful is whether the survival of those phenomena and the tardiness with which they were abolished actually reinforced the political influence of mob violence .
26 But Robbie Supple had been keeping his powder dry on Very Very Ordinary and there was nothing in the least ‘ ordinary ’ about the long , relentless charge with which they mowed down the leading pair between the last two fences .
27 But the efficiency and the ease with which they brushed aside Nottingham Forest 's disappointing challenge at Wembley will be the source of great encouragement for Mr Ferguson 's side .
28 In practice , those with established political views will have no difficulty in recognising comments with which they disagree and putting them promptly in the Favourable to Them column .
29 The YCCC have made videos of a number of important confrontations with the City Council , and with other State and Federal organisations with which they have had meetings .
30 This principle limits the degree to which state agencies and provisions in the area of welfare can take over responsibilities from individuals or from smaller , ‘ natural ’ units , upholding instead the rights of individuals to secure and shape the means with which they shape their role in society autonomously ( von Nell-Breuning , 1976 ) .
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