Example sentences of "with [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But I 've seen in my time coble to ship cattle with to swim them off .
2 ‘ For the Dalek voice we arranged a special experimental session in one of the sound galleries so that Ray Angel could play back to us several test treatments he 'd come up with to see what we thought .
3 If not , ask colleagues you are friendly with to support you if you have to be alone with that person .
4 It is the soul of man which needs to be dealt with to enable him to spend eternity with Christ , clothed in a new incorruptible body as explained by the Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 15 verses 35–58 .
5 A new concept or product just entering the life-cycle may require intensive distribution to start with to launch it onto the market .
6 It 's got instant character , whereas a new guitar has n't had the years of beating on it and fiddling with to give it the character .
7 There are also purist considerations : should the integrity of the original object be maintained , or may it be tampered with to display it to its best advantage ?
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