Example sentences of "with [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the traps and carts were decorated with delicately painted designs .
2 A miniature vessel with delicately chased floral design on the exterior , the interior lined with a separate sheet of silver without decoration .
3 She was paying for it when her eye was caught by a stall covered with delicately made tablecloths and other handmade items .
4 But these same Ministers claim that for other people 's children , the best can be achieved in large classes , in crumbling buildings without sufficient books and equipment and with inadequately paid teachers .
5 They were then hoisted by crane onto the after end of ‘ Ark Royal ’ and with little delay off we went into the Mediterranean .
6 However , such activities at best brought some credit to the NSV itself , with little rubbing off onto the main organization , the NSDAP .
7 SIR — Navaratnam et al and Smith et al reported that an anomalous molecular form of acetylcholinesterase ( AChE ) ( also called AChE-AD ) could be found in postmortem and antimortem cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) of patients with histopathologically proven Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) but not in patients without AD .
8 The monastic life was the subject on which Anselm could speak with widely recognized authority and with the power of deep personal experience .
9 For instance , a patient with a fever may be very hot and flushed , with a bright red face , a full bounding pulse , staring eyes with widely dilated pupils , and a burning , hot skin .
10 While the colonies looked to Englishmen like a widely diverse collection of territories with widely differing religious and economic foundations that had little in common , the other colonizing powers of Europe probably noticed their similarities rather than their differences .
11 Dr. Howarth ; a tall fair man , almost as tall as Dalgliesh himself , with widely spaced eyes of a remarkably deep blue and the lashes so long that they might have looked effeminate on any face less arrogantly male .
12 The ingenious minds that take their delight in inventing causal hypotheses to account for these present seeming relations , through reference to supposed conditions of the past , will work more easily , and perhaps with more truthful results , if supplied with properly arranged data truly illustrating the present .
13 The police say the the Baroness was dealt with properly according to the law .
14 Many country parks offer ideal facilities with properly surfaced level paths , specially adapted toilets , accessible hides for birdwatching and special fishing platforms .
15 There is now considerable scope for pushing back the onset of morbidity in old age into fewer and fewer years with properly targeted health promotion and illness prevention policies and the widespread adoption of healthier lifestyles .
16 Wilson ( 1991 ) argues that in reality most old people can live well and independently with properly targeted inputs of help at times of crisis or illness .
17 These artists clearly stand close to the Pioneers and are attempting to adapt black-figure to the new movement , with some success : crowded compositions , figures overlapping each other or the borders or cut off by them , vigorous drawing with rather slap dash incision ; but the elaborate fore shortenings and musculature are not much attempted and do not come off very well .
18 they could get ready for half past where with rather doing the
19 This table lamp used to sit on Maxwell 's desk … the microphones … according to Sothebys were part of an intercom system and had nothing to do with secretly recording conversations .
20 Continued refusal would justify discharging those patients fit enough to be moved and with somewhere to go , and forcing the others to submit .
21 They will have to provide the chauffeurs with somewhere to sleep and are having to build an extra wing .
22 In this way the plant provides the larva with somewhere to live and feed , but keeps it in one place where it can not damage the leaves , buds or other important parts of the plant .
23 ‘ You get yourself fixed with somewhere to live and then start your campaign to get Kate .
24 some of these countries in Africa though they 've got like compared with the population , they 've got loads of land , compared with somewhere say like , like U K , so if that 's the case , how come they 've got so much surplus labour ?
25 The Accommodation Office can usually fix you up with somewhere to stay ( especially if you visit during the University summer vacation ) and it will be much cheaper than a hotel !
26 However it may help with badly written ( and therefore mis-recognised ) words .
27 The Zeltweg race was , after all , on Niki 's home territory , and when Prost spun off on a patch of oil , the race took on a new perspective for Niki : he found himself in the lead , with Piquet behind him and no threat with badly worn tyres .
28 The station was overflowing with badly wounded who had already been waiting for treatment for several days .
29 In order to ensure that users are not flooded with badly described and inappropriate SSRs , SSR submission is a privileged facility .
30 This privilege is required in order to ensure that users are not flooded with badly described and inappropriate SSRs .
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