Example sentences of "that [indef pn] have " in BNC.

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1 He appealed for leniency on the grounds that nothing had been touched .
2 But the next day Mr Clarke insisted that nothing had in fact changed from the NHS White Paper because it had not talked of cash limits , only of firm budgets .
3 John Major , the Foreign Secretary , said in another BBC interview that nothing had changed since the EC Madrid summit last June : Britain would become a full member of the European Monetary System ( EMS ) when inflation fell to ‘ the approximate rate ’ of European competitors , and when France and Italy abolished exchange controls .
4 And then the moment had passed , and tall and tanned and fit in the sunshine she had walked down the green street with the gardens either side of her , and had known by an instinctive glance that her mother still lived there , that nothing had changed .
5 In March the Prime Minister Winston Churchill , replying to a letter from the TUC Education Committee , gave an assurance that nothing had yet been settled and reserved some memorable prose for a concluding tribute to the value of liberal studies in adult education :
6 Convinced , and quite rightly , that nothing had or would come of Napoleon III 's attempts to drum up an alliance with Italy or Austria-Hungary , dismissing such a possibility as ‘ idle gossip ’ , the Prussian Chancellor prepared to spring his trap .
7 He replied that nothing had been put forward concerning a trust .
8 His village was at the upper end of the valley in which the woman of Lohali had been killed the previous week , and he told me that nothing had been heard of the man-eater since , and added that the animal was possibly now at the other end of the district .
9 She had decided to pretend that nothing had happened .
10 He could smell jasmine , garlic , turpentine , and , closing his eyes , he could cling to the illusion that nothing had changed .
11 It seemed that nothing had changed .
12 Yesterday he told the heads of such toffs ' schools as Eton and Marlborough that nothing had changed .
13 It might be thought that this was an essential part of the cuckoo 's deception — that by leaving the same number of eggs in the nest , the cuckoo might fool the host bird into thinking that nothing had happened .
14 It became clear that nothing had been gained by removing the prince , especially as another ruler had now to be found .
15 At the beginning of October , Kathy , who had again been invited for supper , arrived at Clare 's apartment to find that nothing had been cooked .
16 He wanted to make certain for himself that nothing had been overlooked .
17 The presenter said she could only recall a few people , and volunteered the story of David Parkin throwing a glass of wine at his wife and how she had watched Maggie Parkin stalk out of the room trying to pretend that nothing had happened .
18 The Queen commending his work , not only for the pains therein taken , said that nothing had given her so great delectation .
19 Plays about the fractured consciousness of working-class kids who had fought their way through the old class system , emerged on top , and still felt dissatisfied , still realizing that nothing had changed back where they came from , or where they had arrived .
20 Once we 'd established that nothing had been left behind Emily went off to catch a bus and I decided that no one would mind if I popped my head round the doors of the suite of rooms which George had occupied .
21 In the evening , after a snack rather than a meal , I went up to the loft and used the telescope to take a distant look at the island , making sure that nothing had happened to it while I rested inside the house .
22 In the treaties with the States-General of 1654 and 1667 the English government succeeded in having its claims accepted by its rival ; and so sensible a man as Sir William Temple felt that nothing had ever given him greater pleasure than forcing the Dutch to give way once more on this point in the peace negotiations of 1674 .
23 Hoping that nothing had gone wrong with the course of her friend 's romance , she turned around on the piano stool as she heard hard , firm footsteps walking along the terrace .
24 There had been no word from Steve or Maria Lisa and though there was no time element concerned with this contract she was still a little worried that nothing had been accomplished with the airlines and tourist board in Palma .
25 Yet I discovered that nothing had been disturbed . ’
26 But I I 'm I was rather disappointed that nothing had happened .
27 For unless there is the sense that nothing has been done there will be no work .
28 Among serious writers and readers in the United States ( as distinct from shallow and modish Anglophiles mostly around New York ) , it is taken for granted that Pound 's caustic dismissal of us in 1929 was justified , and that nothing has happened in the forty-five years since to alter that picture significantly .
29 While Deng is doing his best to assure the world that nothing has changed , that China will push ahead with its reforms and will hold its door open for foreign business and investment , the post-Tiananmen purging of liberal intellectual elements and the new emphasis on ‘ political education ’ have enormously strengthened the position of the Communist Party 's hardline Marxists , led by Yang Shangkun , the president , and Li Peng , the prime minister .
30 Yet as you walk these hills you feel that nothing has changed .
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