Example sentences of "that [vb base] about " in BNC.

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1 If we can understand the cellular forces that bring about changes in the shape of the embryo then we can begin to ask further questions .
2 The thoughts and images that bring about ecstasy should be accumulated from every source so that when one fails , then there will be others that can be tried .
3 The plausibility stems from the implicit allusion to ideology ; there are historical forces at work in human culture that bring about the obfuscation of meanings that are then hidden .
4 Thus our next problems are to understand what principles govern the establishment and modification of the interconnections between unimaginable numbers of nerve cells , how these interconnections endow us with higher mental functions , and the cellular mechanisms that bring about these remarkable processes .
5 When we looked at group psychology and analysis of the ego , we saw that it was processes that occur in the ego , such as identification and projection , that make social groups possible , that bring about the social order of psychological groups .
6 It 's not just what is repressed , it 's the structures of the ego that bring about these repressions , the identifications and so on .
7 It is therefore of great importance to identify and characterise the kinases that bring about these events .
8 All these people that tear about on the water on a Sunday do n't know what they 're doing and are in desperate need of someone to manage them .
9 What the hell was that kiss about in the middle of all this ?
10 ‘ What was all that palaver about outside ? ’
11 The most lethal amphibian venom of all is secreted by tiny arrow-poison frogs that clamber about in the leaves littering the floor of the South American rain forests .
12 Included in the System 7 operating system for the PowerPC will be a full emulation for Apple 68000 binaries — this will be faster than MC68040-based Macs that cost about four times as much .
13 The kind that cost about a hundred dollars on the black market .
14 Hence we see frogs , newts , slow-worms , toads and so on , where men have seen none , and for this reason it seems women have a greater bonding with slimy things that hang about pools .
15 though the pigeons that hang about the stairwell
16 An additional cooling factor may have been the El Niño phenomenon , a change in the ocean currents in the Pacific which occurs every three to seven years , causing droughts , torrential rainfall and an overall rise in temperatures that last about 18 months .
17 Erm tt there 's er one point I would like to make , when I , when I made that comment about she 's only the wife , and I 'll just clarify why I said that and this is it 's amus a few years ago some , somebody who was , we were taking a policy out with right was , came to me and was , was talking and making arrangements to , to come and see us and he patronisingly said erm and your husband 'll be there , and I patronisingly said back , and you 'll be bringing your wife , because of the way that he came across to me and I , I mean
18 parties that take about three , four percent of the vote but they have got far more sway over the government than their vote really .
19 Consequently , I would like to suggest the following working distinction : learning refers to actions , beliefs , and so on , that come about either through direct imitation of others , or as a conditioned response to punishments and rewards ; invention refers to actions , beliefs , and so on , that result from internal processes of thinking and working out solutions to problems ( though acknowledging that such processes are influenced by the individual 's experience ) .
20 Perhaps a better definition of discourse processing is to state that it attempts to describe the ’ extra meanings ’ that come about due to the combination of individual sentences within a larger passage of text .
21 Static welfare losses that arise from departures from competition in output markets are set against longer-run , dynamic gains which may arise from an increase in the supply of innovations that come about in less than perfectly competitive markets .
22 Er simply in terms of the impact , there is a lot more work to be done on that and we would do that in t in developing the scheme and bringing it forward to the next stage , to mitigate the adverse effects er that come about as a result of er construction of new roads .
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