Example sentences of "that [vb -s] the " in BNC.

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1 Lungs initially develop from an outgrowth of the sheet that lines the gut near the mouth and then this outgrowth branches repeatedly to give the millions of microscopic lobes in the lung .
2 It is a palatial residence , and occupies a worthy sire , like the magnificent piles of masonry built in our forefathers ' days , to guard the people 's home ; this stronghold raises its proud walls and towers , and commands alike the bay and every house that lines the shores .
3 Tom O'Neill was in the outer office looking at one of the pictures that lines the walls — Rena , Hugo 's favourite house model , wearing a loose cut trench coat over a tailored shirt and doe-skin pants .
4 One of the most important aspects of domestic security , yet one that receives the least attention , is that of key security .
5 The average adult spends up to 300 hours a year in the bathroom , yet surprisingly , it 's often the room that receives the least attention .
6 For example , the area of the primate cortex that receives the direct visual projection from the thalamus is distinguished by a dense band of white matter in layer four .
7 A scion is the growth that arises from an implanted bud or graft , whereas the stock — sometimes referred to as the root- stock — is the host plant that receives the bud or graft , with its own top growth removed so that its sap and energies are made to support the new guest .
8 I think too that we should reflect upon who it is that receives the blame er when policing falls below the standards which we would all think appropriate .
9 But the team that plays the Dutch is playing for the future — for the 1992 European finals . ’
10 They buy a cot , a changing table , a convertible buggy/pram , a baby seat to go in the back of the car , a changing mat , a night-light , a sterilizing unit , five large bottles plus teats , five small bottles plus teats , five baby-grows ( newborn size ) , three undervests ( newborn size ) , three pairs of socks ( newborn size ) , a mobile with four fluffy ducks dancing around a clockwork mechanism that plays the Brahms Lullaby , a wallpaper frieze with chickens on it which Paul has to put up in the nursery , a van-sized packet of newborn nappies , a tub of cream to put on the kid 's bottom , a bucket of white emulsion to freshen up the nursery walls , a lampshade with more chickens on it to brighten up the nursery light , a parasol to go on the buggy and a breast pump for expressing milk .
11 You could see a band that plays the same type of music as us on TOTP but they would n't look like us …
12 Secondly , not only have Brown and his colleagues ( 1986a ) confirmed that it is a close relationship that plays the key protective role in the development of depression ( regular contact , fair level of confiding ) , but they also found that it was essential to consider both positive and negative aspects of such relationships for any satisfactory understanding .
13 Third , and most important , the quinte part in the ballet is not playable by a late 17th-century oboe band : it lies too high for the bassoon and too low for the taille de hautbois , the tenor oboe that plays the third line .
14 Ooh , how many Tuesdays is this in the row that plays the dad ?
15 It is vicious because , as I have just argued , the external relation that constitutes the meaning of the mental content is not something that the subject himself can apprehend : it can only be constructed from a third-person perspective .
16 The stimulus that the experimenter regards as the CS might interact with features of the context in which training is given to form a unique cue that constitutes the effective CS ( see Rescorla 1972 , 1973 ) .
17 * The aim of the review that constitutes the next two major sections of this chapter is largely methodological .
18 Once again , it is the existence of a state of coherence between field frequencies that constitutes the cause of cancer : nothing can be effectively subjected to any influence whatsoever if the subject is not of the same nature as the influence , and the ancient statement ‘ all is energy ’ is the most meaningful contribution that emphasizes the primary , fundamental nature of all phenomena in the created world and the basis of interaction between all things .
19 Those concepts have not evolved from the old ones , for it is precisely their radical difference that constitutes the new science , the new ‘ positivity ’ , produced by what he termed an ‘ epistemological rupture ’ .
20 The present study shows that substantive uniformity , whether in the message that constitutes the text of the bill , or in the legal consequences attached to the recording , is only attainable when the various participants in the transactions arrive at a consensus with respect to the fairness of their rights and duties .
21 It is precisely this formal disturbance in the texture of Nizan 's fiction that constitutes the very essence of his project as a communist novelist .
22 Furthermore , Larry describes the matter that constitutes the density of his and other people 's psyches as ‘ resistance ’ ( 49/245 ) , and in effect the density and opacity of his mind is also a permanent barrier to a clear understanding of his experiences , both past and present .
23 If it is a customer service that gives advantage , then for the majority of consumers who have minimal communication with branch personnel , it is the personalised quality of the computerised communication systems that constitutes the service quality level .
24 It is the behaviour of E or G as a function of frequency or time , or more usually of temperature that constitutes the relaxation experiment .
25 In the case of poetry ( the first preoccupation in Formalist thinking ) it is ordinary , or what the Formalists call practical language that constitutes the main automatized element made strange by art .
26 The traditional rituals of port drinking are well-known , but it may came as a surprise to many that it is not the crusty British lawyer savouring his even crustier port that constitutes the core market for port shippers , but the trendy young Frenchman , enjoying young ruby .
27 The London company that produces the show claims 30m viewers in seven European countries and Japan .
28 The plan that produces the least CO 2 costs less than simply letting market forces prevail , because its high level of energy efficiency saves enough money to pay for the investment needed to switch to biomass production .
29 It 's the shallow reef that produces the hollowness , see . ’
30 The pattern of childrearing that produces the most hostile children is one where the parents use punitive methods persistently against a background of rejecting , hostile parental attitudes .
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