Example sentences of "that [vb -s] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And yet the process that produces that hoppy , hearty , malty , mellow flavour , that dark ruby gleam and smooth rich creamy head has hardly changed at all since Arthur rolled up his sleeves to mash his first brew .
2 Yet , we are still ignorant of the general magnitude of the selection that produces and maintains adaptations .
3 The problem , therefore , is not Understanding Media ( the title of McLuhan 's great if somewhat misconceived book ) but Understanding Global Capitalism , the system that produces and reproduces both the message and the media that incessantly transmit it .
4 For both Kung ( 1981 ) and Lyotard , art moves within the area between man 's capacity to conceive an idea and his ability to create an artefact that evokes or articulates it so that one of art 's more important roles is the symbolization of what does not yet exist .
5 They would do well to remember that his record shops began by running an illegal scheme which meant that records that were marked for export ( and therefore exempt from tax ) were sold domestically , a scam that only ended when Branson was caught and fined .
6 I would n't mind , but it 's normally me that goes and sleeps on the settee and I do n't see why I should .
7 … He possesses a skill of dramatisation that fascinates and moves his audience . ’
8 HOLT CHA The feeling of delight that precedes and precipitates wakening
9 HOLT CHE The autonomous marshalling of the senses which produces the feeling of delight that precedes and precipitates wakening
10 The ragged edges and surfaces of the freshly inflicted wound become smoothed out within an hour to give a more regular cellular organization that persists until the wound is closed .
11 X-cells respond to standing contrast with a sustained response that persists as long as the stimulus is present , while Y-cells give a transient response that fades during the course of the stimulus presentation .
12 Well , they say that remarks that they would feel were friendly remarks directed towards students they stop themselves from saying and examine and think if I say that will I make her feel uncomfortable ?
13 The Wine & Spirit Association , the importers ' trade body , claims that signs that French wine was losing volume and market share in Britain emerged suddenly in 1990 after years of rapid growth .
14 Experienced teachers ought to be able to deflect the naïve foundationalism that insists that literary works ‘ can only be understood ’ in such-and-such a cultural , social , or ideological context , by contextualizing the proponent 's own discourse .
15 There will always be an element of the old school that insists that proper cooking must be done using traditional methods , but increasingly , chefs , catering managers and kitchen staff in general are putting their trust in 1990s ' technology to enable them to carry out their work .
16 It trains , in a way no other discipline can , intelligence and sensibility together , cultivating a sensitiveness and precision of response and a delicate integrity of intelligence — intelligence that integrates as well as analyses and must have pertinacity and staying power as well as delicacy .
17 The odds against assembling a well-designed body that flies as well as a swift , or swims as well as a dolphin , or sees as well as a falcon , in a single blow of luck — single-step selection — are stupendously greater than the number of atoms in the universe , let alone the number of planets !
18 Not just a religious movement , but something that involves and enmeshes every area of life , from high national , and international politics , right the way down to the very colour of the , of the latest fashions , the new age movement and sometime in the future we 're gon na lo , talk a little bit about that .
19 There was nothing in this model either to inspire public managers to create the " cultures of excellence " that Peters and Waterman had talked about , and that the Griffiths Report in part reflects .
20 As a book reviewer of some 25 years experience I am not , and never will be , of the school that thinks that because you have been given a free book , you should give a good review .
21 A substantial essay by Thomas D. Cooke on the subject in relation to fabliau defines pornography in conventionally evaluative and political terms as a modern form of misogyny : it is a branch of art that represents or reflects aggressive male sexuality , concerned wholly with the physical aspects of sexual experience and reducing women to the status of objects of sexual actions .
22 ‘ It is grace that transforms and not human effort , and that applies to every aspect of the Christian life from the beginning to the very end . ’
23 ‘ We interfere like petty gods in our children 's lives , stamping out every form of behaviour that irritates and contradicts us , ’ says Ms Jackson .
24 And what 's more , there 's no pressure to buy , no long term commitment to meet and a Red House ordering procedure that guarantees that you only ever get the books you ask for .
25 It is not just the wealth of a nation that influences whether people will choose to have fewer children .
26 Otherwise we are going to develop two legal systems — one for ordinary people that skimps and a superior one for members of the security forces where money is no object . ’
27 Marty Russo ( Dem. , Illinois ) , a member of that committee , accused Darman of leaving the hard budget choices to Congress and characterized the budget process as one " that stinks and lies " .
28 Many gardeners will argue that there is a risk in pruning very early , that frost can burn and shrivel young foliage that unfolds as the buds expand .
29 Seeing that there was commercial potential in what they were doing , in March 1989 she and a colleague set up Immune Systems Ltd , a biotechnology company that develops and markets applications of monoclonal antibodies .
30 It is an inborn fear that develops when they are only a few months old , regardless of whether they have ever met an owl .
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