Example sentences of "that [prep] another " in BNC.

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1 and we do n't see it and it 's disgraceful that for another five years they 're going to get even less and less
2 Little more persuasive is the argument that under another tsar the regime could have withstood revolutionary pressure indefinitely .
3 If one had to make a guess , it is that within another ten years or so ‘ environment ’ will have become a somewhat passé term , rather as ‘ ecological ’ has , simply because of its insufficiency as a generic description ; a term which links the preservation of rural landscapes in Europe to the fate of millions in Bangladesh obviously has problems of definition .
4 While agreeing broadly with the England manager 's summing-up of the present Brazilian team , the thought did occur that in another footballing era he could have been describing an Italian side — brilliant in breakaways but giving nothing away at the back .
5 When stories appear along the lines that in another life you were a peasant girl who starved to death during Ireland 's potato famine you know you 've arrived .
6 Yet one may imagine that the dinner-party takes place in a large house , and that in another room the ladies are engaged in their own conversations .
7 If , after a stiff swig of nectar , we were to watch further developments , we 'd find that in another 100,000 years or so , or even longer , exactly the same thing would happen again , and the compass would swing back suddenly to its original position .
8 I suspect that in another hundred years ' time people will look back and wonder at our apparent inability to regard sound recordings as permanent media , like books , music , or paintings .
9 But I have a sneaking feeling that in another five years ' time I 'll be reviewing the GR-100 and that will be the one …
10 They were past Jedburgh by noon , and Ramsay , who now was in country he knew fairly intimately , pointed out that in another ten miles they would be out of Teviotdale , with Teviot joining Tweed at Roxburgh and Kelso .
11 Eventually when one has had enough , he signals submission by contracting the pigment in one set of cells and expanding that in another so that his flank patterns change and he hoists the flag of surrender .
12 They knew that in another day or two they would not even have to charge the ramparts ; they would merely have to step over them and kill off the garrison as they pleased .
13 One of the dangers of majoritarianism is that majorities are always apt to forget that in another context they might constitute a minority .
14 She looked at Fand , seeing the white arms shake , and knowing that in another moment a spear would go home and Fand would die ; because of me , she thought , all because of me .
15 In this connection it is worth noting that in another context , and in another part of the same Act , Parliament has made express provision for cases in which the suitability of particular accommodation is to be determined by the court in the course of ordinary litigation .
16 The nuclear establishment 's response to Mr Lawson 's invitation to prepare a new R&D programme for fast reactors ( New Scientist , 2 December , p 547 ) will almost certainly be met with the suggestion that without another large reactor there can be no R&D programme .
17 If I happen to be pondering them when about to cross the street , and the green light has changed to yellow , ‘ Be aware ’ resumes all its authority ; never mind that at another level of discourse physics dismisses colour as subjective , unreal .
18 While there are no completely accurate figures , the two national disability surveys carried out by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys ( OPCS ) in the late 1960s and 1980s indicate that there are alive today just under 100,000 people aged 50 or older who have been disabled for 20 or more years , and that around another 200,000 will reach this age within the next 10 to 20 years ( Harris , 1971 ; Martin et al . ,
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