Example sentences of "that [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 When he was done he unstrapped himself , then took one of the white sheets from the side and threw it over her , watching as the blood spread out from the centre of the white ; a doubled circle of redness that slowly formed into an ellipse .
2 Then one long hum that slowly faded , became part of the silence .
3 In conclusion , the in vitro effects of these cytokines on ADCC activity suggest that locally produced cytokines exacerbate the lysis of colonic epithelium through the enhancement of ADCC mechanisms as well as by direct effects of these cytokines .
4 I crossed a lawn that badly needed cutting , and started on a cautious tour of the Hamilton house .
5 Sighing , she raised her head and stared once more into the mirror , into those dark eyes that rarely revealed what was in her soul .
6 ‘ It is very nice of you to come , ’ he said , with a smile that rarely faded .
7 If a wild and untouched horse was stabled with a domestic one that vocally demanded food , the wild horse would learn the domesticated horse 's vocabulary in a very short time and be whinnying for its breakfast too .
8 Underlining last weekend 's commitment by John Smith , the shadow Chancellor , to control spending , Giles Radice , MP for Durham North , told the conference that properly financed public spending was not only good economics , but good politics .
9 Although the animal was slow to mature ( some claimed that it would keep growing until it was six years old ) the new society was able to show that properly managed steers could reach market weights before they were two years old .
10 There is an urgent need for the NHS Review to focus on the development of training at all levels to ensure that properly qualified , trained staff are available to provide not only hospital care , but support and rehabilitative care for increased numbers of patients .
11 Given his initial thought that properly established geometrical results would not be disputable , it is ironical that this claim led to lengthy and acrimonious argument , and brought Hobbes into some disrepute .
12 Natural theology , even of Brunner 's qualified kind , could only be a snare and a delusion , a thing in which one ought to have no interest except that properly shown for an abyss beside the path — the interest whose concern is to avoid falling into it .
13 Courageous in taking on the over-spending bogey that did such havoc in 1987 , it nevertheless opened the floodgates to a fortnight of ‘ we can give away more tax than you ’ , and exchanges between the two parties of a staggering triviality that effectively supplanted any wider debate about the economy .
14 Before 1988 , there were two legal requirements that effectively determined the form of capital accounting :
15 His appointment in 1650 as secretary to the committee for examinations of the republican council of state brought him to London , where he and Thomas Scott [ q.v. ] headed the intelligence operation that skilfully countered Royalist conspiracy .
16 It has proved possible to reach agreements that eventually ended atmospheric pollution caused by nuclear tests , that prohibited environmental modification and kept Antarctica free of nuclear weapons and military establishments .
17 It was the republic 's failure to find a lasting democratic consensus that eventually pushed republican politics into violence and war .
18 On reaching Worsley the canal tunnelled into the sandstone cliff to reach the coal workings some three-quarters of a mile inside the hill , where it divided into channels that eventually reached a length of several miles .
19 However , for the majority of those that eventually retired early , redundancy appears to have been the deciding factor .
20 William Booth , a Methodist local preacher , began evangelical and rescue work in the East End of London in 1865 , and that eventually led , in 1878 to the first formation of the Salvation Army , with himself as the General in charge .
21 Four years later , however , a science programme on Australian radio accused McBride of scientific fraud and it was this accusation that eventually led local health authorities in New South Wales to begin the medical tribunal proceedings .
22 The dangerous stimulus is sensed by another sensory neuron , whose synapse connects with one or more interneurons that eventually run into the same synapse connecting with the motor neuron that controls the mantle muscles .
23 The sailor would hold the egg to his mouth and let the albumin form a string that eventually extended to the large intestine .
24 The relationship between Government educationists and villagers was a political one , and created the seeds of resentment and conflict that eventually spilled over in 1979 with the overthrow of the Shah .
25 In the same memorandum of April 1986 that eventually brought down the whole house of cards — the memorandum that mentioned the diversion of funds to the contras — an extraordinary phrase appeared : ‘ The Iranians have been told that our presence in Iran is ‘ a holy commitment ’ . ’
26 The tour was a disaster , Newcastle lost by two goals to Ambrosiana , the team that eventually transformed into Inter Milan , and were thrashed 8–1 by the crack Czech team FC Slovak .
27 It would be just as mistaken to assume that pensions legislation was always indicative of concessionary responses to mounting pressure on behalf of the particular groups that eventually benefited .
28 The burglary of the offices of the Democratic National Committee was a harebrained and quite unnecessary enterprise and the case against the president that eventually forced his resignation could never have been constructed without the re-installation of recording devices in the Oval Office .
29 He criticised the backwardness of Islamic orthodoxy ; nevertheless he wrote on 17 October 1936 , ‘ a soul that was only superficially Islamic has become a soul convinced of Islam … a soul that daily rendered homage to HIM ’ .
30 There were three other aspects of the activities of the family farmer and part-time farmer that perhaps needed strengthening in the light of observations of European farmers .
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